Welcome to Dolphins

Teacher - Dolphins Rebecca Gabriel
Photo of Rebecca Gabriel

Welcome to Dolphins Class!!


“Welcome to Dolphins Class! We are an energetic, happy class of 12 pupils and 6 adults. We learn through play and all learning is very much interlinked. We follow the pupil’s interests and aim to prove enriching, meaningful learning experiences every day.

We spend a lot of time exploring different therapies based on our pupil’s needs, for example, speech and language therapy, hydrotherapy, sensory enrichment, physiotherapy, and PECs Club.

We have lots of fun in Dolphins Class!”

Dolphins timetable – Summer Term 1 – 23/24


Summer Term 1- 23/24
SubjectCurriculum Info/Class Ideas
EnglishWe will use the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” this term and it will intertwine with all our learning areas. We will continue to read each week and visit the library on a Friday to change our books. Some of us will continue with our Phonics sessions and some of us will continue our listening and attention activities. We will give opportunity throughout the day for communication using, signing, symbols, core boards and spoken word. Please continue to sing with me. Nursery rhymes help me to hear rhyme and rhythm of speech and broaden my vocabulary and support my understanding. Please read with me each week, looking at words and pictures, labelling things on the pages or asking me if I can find something al helps my language development.
MathsUsing the Hungry Caterpillar we will further develop our knowledge of numbers 1-5 and start to look at the days of the week. Talk to me about what day it is, are there things that always happen on certain days? This helps me to build routines and learn about time.
PSHEWe will start our day with our good morning routine, finding our pictures and talking about how we feel using our Zones of Regulation. We have our calm zone in our class where we can explore our feelings throughout the day. We will continue to have plenty of opportunities to play and learn alongside each other and some of us will be joining in turn taking games with our friends. You can help me identify how I am feeling by looking in mirrors, looking at my face and showing me how I’m feeling. Please play games and activities with me where we can take turns such as pushing a car or ball to and from each other or playing on the swings at the park.
Science/ Understanding the WorldWe will look at the lifecycle of the caterpillar and how it turns into a butterfly, we will hopefully have some caterpillars in class we can watch grow. We will also look at food, how it grows or where it comes from. We may plant some seeds and do some baking. You can look in the garden or in the park for caterpillars, or other creatures together. What food are we eating, what new food can we try? Maybe we can plant some favourite vegetables or flowers and watch them grow.
HumanitiesWe will be looking at food from around the world and the different foods there are. Maybe you can try food from different countries such as pizza, or rice and find out where it comes from.
P.E We will be starting to practise throwing, jumping and running ready for sports day. I like to be active so any walks, trips to the park or running around outside is great for me.
Art/Expressive art and designWe will be using fruit and vegetables to print with. We will look at the colours of fruits and vegetables and using these to make life painting pictures. We will also use pictures of different foods to make collages and plates of food we like! We will also make fruit kebabs, bread and cakes. You can talk to me about the colour of different fruit and vegetables we have at home or we see in the shops. Maybe we could try a new colourful fruit or vegetable. Let me explore the fruit and vegetables with my hands, is it squashy or hard? Is it sweet, juicy or sour? Maybe we could bake together at home.