Subject | | Curriculum Info/Class Ideas |
Literacy | Please read with me, sing with me, highlight and point out logos and images I see regularly. | This half term we will be looking a variety of books and stories linked to our topic of “Winter and Exploration”. Some of the books are, Elmer’s weather, Elmer in the snow, Jonty the Gentoo Penguin as well as fact books on winter and the weather.
We will continue with our phonics sessions and our listening and attention activities.
We will also be continuing our core vocabulary curriculum, learning the first 40 words children need for communication. We will see it, sign it, say it and find it on our core communication boards, whichever is most appropriate for each individual child.
We will also continue to visit the library weekly and read with each child once a week.
Maths | We can look at different amounts of objects together, talk to me about more, less, same and different. Have lots of fun with me using number in everyday situations, even when getting dressed! | We will be using the White Rose Maths programme in maths exploring number, understanding the oneness of one, the twoness of two, the Threeness of three etc.
We will be singing lots of number songs and use counters on 5 frames to physically see the maths and how amounts change with one more and one less.
Personal Development | When I am showing different emotions you can help label them for me “I think you are feeling happy, I can see your smile”. | We will continue our class routines, which we are really getting used to now. We will continue Attention Autism sessions as this helps us with attending to all our other learning times.
We will continue to explore our emotions and what makes us happy and sad and what we can do when we feel these emotions.
We will continue to play and explore alongside each other building our friendships in class.
The World | When we are out and about let’s pause and look around, What can we see? Do I need to wear different clothes now it’s cold? Is there ice, what does it feel like? | We will be looking at Winter. What is winter, how can we keep warm, how can we help the animals? We will sort some clothes to find the winter ones and we will make bird feeders to help the birds. We will then look at ice and snow and explore this in a variety of ways. We will then look at some explorers who explored the south pole! We may even try to be explorers ourselves!
Expressive Arts | We can look at patterns and colours we see around us. Maybe we can build some different structures with blocks, or boxes we have at home. | Art – we will make art on and using ice.
Music – we will explore instruments and the different sounds they make – exploring stop start and loud and quiet.
DT – we will make different structures with different construction blocks, we may make some igloos!
Physical Development | I have lots of energy, but I also need to learn to rest, this can be tricky for me but music, deep pressure and gently rocking and rolling can help. | We will start to learn some circle songs such as ring a ring of roses and learn to work together as a group. We will continue to climb and move our bodies in different ways to develop our strength and coordination.
We will also listen to some winter music and dance and move in a variety of ways to the music.