Reading at Sheringham Woodfields School

Reading and communication is a high priority for the whole school.

We acknowledge that for some pupils accessing the written word will not be possible,
however, they can use symbol and picture based systems in order to gain information,
instructions and understanding.

Similarly many pupils will not be fluent readers, however we promote the joy of books
and stories through story sacks, sensory stories with taste, touch and smell, audio
books, time to read stories with pupils and using their story corners at reward time.

Our medium term plans ensure a wide range of texts within poetry, different genre of
fiction and reading for information with non-fiction. This is supported with our well
stocked school Library managed by a dedicated HLTA ensuring there is always a range
of engaging texts and resources.

All classes are timetabled to visit the Library once per week.

The school adopted Twinkl phonics linked to the Rhino Readers scheme to ensure a
consistent, systematic, synthetic approach across the school. This is used from Early
Years through to our 6th form classes who are still developing their reading fluency and
also improving comprehension and intonation.

1:1 reading tags on Evidence for Learning are used for recording pupils’ engagement and
progress in reading. This is used and monitored regularly to ensure progress. Pupils’
phonics levels are assessed termly in order to ensure there is sufficient challenge and
stretch and to ensure skills are embedded before moving on.

All Teachers, HLTAs and TAs have received external and online training and then
consolidated this with further training with experienced staff in school. There is online
content available for refreshers and for support staff to continue to improve their
knowledge and understanding.

The school has a flexible approach to the reading curriculum, those able to access
subject specific learning will receive daily phonics lesson and for others there is more
flexibility with an emphasis on early communication, symbol and sensory based
approaches. For many a priority is reading for independence, for example recognising
their names, instructions, menus, recipes and allowing them to make choices. This will
also include practising these skills in the wider community.