Subject | Profiles | Ideas for Home |
Maths | We will continue on our journey of comparison. At this stage, the difference in size should be noticeable so that comparisons can be made by eye and not by measure. We will the use of language ‘more’ and ‘less’, ‘full’ and ‘empty’. We will then go onto exploring simple patterns using musical instruments, a range of real life objects, natural resources and a range of counters, shapes and cubes. All of this alongside our usual number and problem solving activities. | Continue to develop your child’s functional maths skills in a variety of ways at home and in the wider community.
As the weather warms up, enjoy playing in sand or water
Some key questions to use day to day
- Which is full/ empty?
- Which has more/less?
- How do you know?
English | We will be exploring fantasy fiction, exploring a range of front covers to predict the content. Will sequence key events in the book using pictures and begin to use some descriptive words and understand how they can create an atmosphere. We will think about different characters in stories and try to understand how they feel linked with Zones of Regulation.
We will make our own fantasy character and use some descriptive words to describe them/ create our own story.
We will continue practising our reading through weekly library sessions using Rhino Readers, reading for pleasure and twice-weekly phonics.
| Enjoy reading a fantasy book with your child.
Explore the Literacy shed for some fantasy clips:
Continue to develop your child’s reading but sharing Rhino reader’s books at least once per week. Please complete ‘home comments’ within the home school diaries so we can share progress.
Science | In Science, we will be learning about Animals.
We will explore a variety of different animals, domestic, wild, farm and stuffed animals and compare them. What do they need to survive and what food they eat. We will observe our very own chickens at the patch. We will look at labelling different animal body parts and comparing them. We will have a think about what our favorite animal is, and do some research on this particular animal.
| Do you have any animals at home?
If so:
How many legs do they have?
What food do they eat?
Visit a zoo/ local pond/ animal sanctuary to experience some animal encounters.
Which is your favourite?
PSHE and
| We will be out for two mornings a week this half term, practising our road safety, how to be safe in the community and building on our personal hygiene skills through visiting The Reef to swim, get changed and shower.
We will continue to learn about Zones of Regulation to support our understanding of our emotions. We use this daily.
| Please feel free to communicate freely if there are any elements of PSHE that we can support your child with in school and at home which aims to ensure knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. |
Art | We will be making our own Fantasy Island. Using cardboard to create a shape, junk modelling to make structures and buildings and using our creative flare to make it as interesting as possible. We will be representing land and sea with colour and discovering what materials are best suited to make our creations. We will be making the decisions and using a range of mediums and materials to best suit our ideas. |
Make your own treasure/ fantasy island at home using small world play, Lego or something else. Take a look at some ideas on google for inspiration.
PE | This half term we will be visiting the reef weekly to develop our swimming skills. A trained swimming instructor will lead this. We will also be visiting a local park each week to test our gross motor skills in a real life learning environment.
We will continue to practse mindfulness daily to develop our calming strategies to support our emotional regulation.
| Try to enjoy 30 minutes of exercise 3 times per week to increase heart rate. Please click on the link to sensory circuit ideas at home - here
Enjoy some guided meditation with your child Guided meditation
(led by Nikki Wardell)
Our topic will be ‘Tudors’. We will be looking at several aspects of Tudors including buildings; What Tudor life was like if you were poor; and what Tudor Life was like if you were rich.
| Do you know any famous Tudors?
Consider doing your own research and let us know what you have learnt.
Consider visiting Blickling Hall – believed to be the birth place of Anne Boleyn!
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be looking at & listening to simple fantasy and adventure story. We will then create some music to accompany this, using a range of instruments and electronic devices for sound effects.
For fun, we will be listening to some music accompaniments to the same story & The Wizard of Oz (a link to our school play this year).
| Consider watching the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’
It links with our school play which will be fantasy & adventure!
(Religious Education)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be aiming to have a focused RE day linked with Judaism. We will be looking at what Jewish people believe about God.
We will be learning how to handle religious artefacts linked with Judaism with care and respect
| What do you know about the Jewish Faith?
Consider doing your own research.
Choose a traditional Jewish recipe and make it
(Modern Foreign Languages)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be aiming to have a focused MFL day linked with France. It will give a small cultural insight to France.
We will be exploring some artefacts, looking at some information about France, sampling some music and learning how to say ‘Hello’ or ‘Good Day’ in French
| Consider doing your own research on any topic that appeals to you, linked with France. You may want to consider some of the following;
Looking at some French cities;
Looking at some French football teams; & tasting French food such as croissants, baguettes & brie