Welcome to Pine

Teacher Shelley Hewitt
Photo of Shelley Hewitt

Welcome to Pine Class!! 😃

Pine class is a PMLD class made up of 7 learners and four support staff.
Learners follow a PMLD curriculum and their main focus is their physio,communication and mobility. We largely use sign along, symbols, communication aids to help our students communicate their needs. Each lesson is adapted and tailored to meet each student’s individual needs.


Pine Symbol Timetable – Spring Term 1 – 24/25





Curriculum Info: Spring term 1 24/25
Topic: Food
SubjectSession focus this half term.
English/StoriesStudents will be exploring sensory stories linked to food. Stories will be broken down, so that students can explore them through sensory resources and explorative play.
Massage/Personal DevelopmentStudents will take part in massage, they will as a group take part in exploring massage stories.
BowlingStudents will be taking part in peer group games of bowling, working on team sports.
Communication/EnglishWorking on communication targets. Meeting SaLT targets and daily EHCP targets around communication.
Exploration/Creative/ArtFocus will be on food, creating art using different types of food.
Understanding the World-ExplorationStudents will be exploring different themed play doughs made with different foods. Taking part in exploration of foods and messy play.
Problem solving/MathsHandling objects and showing an interest in objects. Using fine motor skills and problem solving activities.
Switch Work/Computing/MathsStudents will use the interactive screen, big macs, sound boards and iPad to practice fine motor skills whilst taking part in switch work.
Cooking/Life skills/Understanding the world Students will be cooking different baked goods to sell in the staff room for their enterprise project to help fund the 2025 leaver’s prom.
1.1 Reading/EnglishStudents will have access to books weekly and take part in 1:1 reading with an adult.
Personal Development Gross and Fine motor skills /Physical DevelopmentStudents will be working on their individual gross and fine motor needs. Physio needs/Plans. Life skills.
Other Events Rebound, Hydro, Sign a long choir.
TripsShopping on Fridays to buy ingredients for enterprise project.
Ideas to do at homePrinting with vegetables Baking baked goods Going shopping