Welcome to Alder Class!! 😃
We are a group of 7 pupils aged from 11-19 years. We have 6/7 members of staff working with us each day. We all have very high medical, physical and sensory needs. All our learning is done via a total sensory and communication approach. We have our own tailored PMLD curriculum and use the engagement model which we follow alongside all of our own EHCP learning outcomes to help us to meet all of our learning needs. Within our classroom we have own outdoor area which we access through big doubles doors from the classroom. We access this space for lessons but also we can enjoy our snack and lunches outside. We love to get out and about in the community and mixing around the school with others, we have lots of fun and our staff members help us to feel very happy, relaxed and safe when we are with them. We enjoy activities such as trips out, Hydrotherapy, switch work, rebound therapy, sensory stories, Art, Cooking, music, sensory room sessions, massage sessions, problem solving, exploration and communication work.
Alder Timetable – Summer term 2 – 23/24