Subject | Profiles | Ideas for home |
| This Spring term our topic is shape. We will be looking at both 2D and 3D shapes exploring their properties and recognising them in the environment. | Look out for 2D and 3D shapes in the environment when out shopping etc.
Explore shapes through Playdough and when cooking.
| In English this term our topic is Space. We will be writing descriptive paragraphs about factual pictures using Colourful Semantics to help structure sentences. We will be making information fact sheets about Space. We will enjoy reading Space themed fictional books each week and use Talk for Writing to retell the stories. We will create our own Space themed short stories by creating our own characters and settings. | Enjoy stories about Space together.
Watch Space films together like Home, Buzz Lightyear and ET.
Look through fictional books and discuss pictures together.
| In art we are going to be learning about colour shades and tints. We will explore colour mixing and the colour wheel whilst creating some lovely pieces of art work. | Do some art and crafts at home.
Explore mixing colours and creating different shades and tints.
Personal Development | In Personal Development this term we will be looking at Budgeting. We will be conducting questionnaires on pocket money. We will be looking at different types of jobs and talking about our aspirations. We will be setting up a mini school enterprise and planning a summer trip. | You could introduce a small pocket money in exchange for small independence jobs around the hosue such as making the bed, tidying away their plates etc.
Discuss the value of money when out shopping.
Look at different jobs when out in the community.
Library | Our focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure. | Go for a trip to a public library, note the different areas and identify the different types of books. Borrow books to take home and enjoy. |
MFL | Our topic this term is oriential/Japan or China. We will explore lots of different asepcts of the cultures: architecture, clothing, food, music. | Have a go at cooking some Japanese or Chinese food, or visit a restaurant.
Listen to some Japanese or Chinese music.
Try to create your own piece of Japanese art by copying.
(Preparing for Adult Life)
| We will be concentrating on money in our PfAL sessions this half term. Being able to recognise coins and notes. For some students, we will start adding money together. | Explore money when out shopping.
Get your child to pay for things when out and about.
Set up a role play shop at home.
TITAN | TITAN is Travel Independence Training Across Norfolk. The first module we will cover is Pedestrian skills. We will learn where is safe to walk, when is it safe to cross the road and try to learn some elements of the Green Cross Code. We will start to go for walks around the school area to put into practice the pedestrian skills that we have learnt. | Walk around where you live.
Discuss safe walking and safe places to cross the road near where you live.
PE | Our focus will be on the importance of fitness and exercise this half term. Students will be taking part in different fitness circuits, whilst also practising different PE skills. | You could set up mini circuits in the garden or when out walking, i.e. walk for 1 minute, stretches, walk for 1 minute. |
Geography | Geography is all about our coast. We will begin by refreshing our map skills; identifying coastal areas.
We will relate this topic very much to our locality, considering issues of coastal erosion in North Norfolk.
We will look at newspaper reports and the role of the local council in preserving the coast.
| Reading North Norfolk News articles about coastal erosion.
Identifying signs of erosion if visiting the beach.