Welcome to Elm

Teacher Georgie Galloway
Photo of Georgie Galloway

Welcome to Elm Class!! 😃

Elm class is made up of 11 enthusiastic pupils with varying range of needs and abilities. We like to use a wide range of approaches to help us learn and to meet our individual needs. We are a semi-formal class, following a formal curriculum as well as a PFAL curriculum (preparing for adult life). We focus on our independence skills and our aspirations for what we want to do as we grow up. We also have a strong focus on therapies for most of our students, including hydrotherapy, rebound and physio. Some students take part in work experience in a variety of places, including Woodfields Den. Our class is full of laughter and happiness, but we are all extremely hard-working at the same time

Elm Class – Summer term 2 Timetable – 23/24



Summer term 2 23/24 Curriculum Info for parents
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsIn maths, some of us will finish our topic of fractions. Once we have completed this, we will move onto time. Others will complete their topic of 3d shapes. Once we have finished this, we will move onto numbers beyond 20. Dividing a pizza into half or quarter. Set alarms for cooking or waking up. Recognise 3d shapes when out and about.
English Our topic in English is this half term is journeys. This a great topic with lots of different areas that could be covered. We will be talking about holidays and days out linking to our enrichment week trip. PSHE and English topics are linking together nicely this half term with our PSHE focus being on leisure. We will plan trips, enjoy some of each others favourite leisure activites and take part in some new experiences. Plan a trip. Have a day out in different places. Do different activities, i.e. bowling, swimming, dancing etc. Go on a road trip and create a map to show where you have been.
ArtBatik is our topic for the half term, wax-resist dyeing. Students will plan what they want their fabric to look like by drawing their pattern out onto paper. They will then use the special resources to create their pattern on the fabric. This will be be a whole class project to try to create one large piece of fabric made up of small squares, each individually patterned. Drawing and colouring different patterns, exploring different colours and lines. Try tie-dyeing something to see what pattern that creates. Design your own bag using fabric pens.
PEThis half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these. Also looking a striking and fielding games- rounders etc Playing ball games in the garden / park . Using a bat and ball.
HumanitiesIn History we are learning about Ancient Egypt. We will be researching using different sources such as the internet, videos and books. We will be making models of Ancient Egyptian settings Books from the library. Videos on the internet. What did the Ancient Egyptians invent/popularise?
LibraryOur focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure.Enjoy reading and browsing books with you child just for pleasure. Have books and magazines around the house, if possible make reading and listening to stories part of your usual routine.
MFLFrance is our country for the term. We will look at some of the culture and traditions; we will try some food, and try to learn some of the language. Cook some French food. Listen to some French music. Watch their favourite programme in French, listening to the language.
PFAL (Preparing for Adult Life) We will be focusing on money for the last half term of the year. We will practise our money recognition and handling skills whenever we go out. For some of the students will start to think about budgeting for a shopping trip and planning ahead about how much money they need to take. Go shopping and encourage your child to pay for it. Support them in using money as much as possible. Paying for food in a restaurant.