Welcome to Oak

Teacher - Oak Colin Heinink
Photo of Colin Heinink

Welcome to Oak class!

In Oak we follow a thematic learning scheme to enable pupils to readily access an interesting and relevant curriculum whilst ensuring pupils make maximum progress. Pupils follow a diverse timetable comprising of English, Maths, Science, PSHE, Art, DT, Geography, History, ICT, MFL and Music. Within the classroom there is a strong influence on preparing pupils for a more independent post-school life.

In Oak we believe learning experiences outside the classroom are essential to a fun and effective curriculum. Over the past year pupils have enjoyed many trips out including The Countryside Classroom event at Reepham, several sporting events at UEA Sportspark, surveying the public in Sheringham town, Den building at Sheringham Park, debating and voting at the NNDC offices and much more. In addition to these we visit the school’s smallholding, The Patch, weekly. Pupils also participate in weekly cooking sessions in our school kitchen and frequent visits to the school library.

Currently Oak team comprises of a teacher, two TAs and nine pupils. In the classroom we have six computers, a newly installed Clevertouch board, a kitchen with a food preparation and eating area, a work station, a relaxed zone and a comfy, but formal area around the IWB.

Oak Timetable – Summer Term 2 – 23/24

Summer Term 2 23/24 Curriculum profiles and ideas for continued learning at home
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
Maths Our next topic in Maths is ‘money’. Pupils will learn how to recognise, group and count denominations. We will also relate this to our addition and subtraction work; totaling shopping lists and working out changeInvolving your child when you are out and about shopping. Can they count out the coins required. Perhaps they could also estimate the cost of your shopping basket? Playing board games involving money.
EnglishIn English this half term we will be exploring the theme of ‘journeys’. We will be looking at fiction and non fiction as well as practicing our descriptive skills through poetry.Talking to your child about your journeys that they have been on. Where did they go? What did they see? Why did they go? Recording events in diaries/notebooks.
DTIn DT we are learning about batch production of goods. We will be taking this opportunity to practice our cooking skills, making large batches of fairy cakes, biscuits, muffins etc. We will then be customising them. Cooking these items at come. Why might we make them the same? How can you custimise them? Watching programmes like ‘Inside the Factory’ and ‘Do You Know?’
PSHEPSHE is all about leisure. We will be looking at what facilities are available locally and what is available further afield. We will also be considering how these facilities are funded.What leisure facilities do you use locally? See if the children can see a logo which might suggest how it is funded. What facilities would the children like nearby that are not currently available?
HistoryIn History we are learning about Ancient Egypt. We will be researching using different sources such as the internet, videos and books. We will be making models of Ancient Egyptian settings. Books from the library. Videos on the internet. What did the Ancient Egyptians invent/popularise?
Library Our focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure.Enjoy reading and browsing books with you child just for pleasure. Have books and magazines around the house, if possible make reading and listening to stories part of your usual routine.
ScienceIn Science we are focusing on the skills needed to carry out experiments. We will revise experiments we have carried out over the year as well as planning new ones.Making predictions around the home, perhaps during cooking sessions. Then comparing those predictions to what happens in reality.
MFLIn MFL we are learning about France. We will learn facts about the country, cook traditional dishes and learn key phrases. Internet and book research. Cooking at home. Practicing the phrases learnt.
PEThis half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these. Also looking at striking and fielding games . Rounders and cricketPlaying games in the park . Using bat and ball.