Welcome to Shells
Teacher - Rowan
Victoria Gotts

Spring Term 1 24/25 | Topic: Traditional Stories |
Session | Class Ideas |
Communication & Literacy | We will start each week with the focus story for that fortnight in the sensory room, using props to help tell the story. We will have a weekly session to work on Communication and Speech and Language Therapy goals. On a Friday we will visit the school library to enjoy a range of books and choose a new library book to take home. |
Maths & Problem Solving | We will be singing number songs in the sensory room on a Thursday. We will use props with our number songs, taking it in turns to add and remove props and help count how many are left. We will also work on our cause and effect skills with the interactive screen, switches and iPads. |
Personal Development | We will end our week with massage and relaxation, doing story massage linked to traditional stories. We will work on our social skills in the ball pool and classroom. |
Physical Development | Some children will have physiotherapy programs to follow. Some children will have weekly hydrotherapy and/or rebound therapy. In our weekly PE session in the hall we will be exploring different movements linked to our topic. On a Monday afternoon we will be developing our fine motor skills by helping to make and then explore playdough on the theme of our focus story, for example ginger scented playdough. |
Understanding the World | This half term we will doing some cooking linked to the focus stories, including decorating sweetie house biscuits and making Jack’s Magic Bean Salad. We will also do some exploration including ginger scented gloop for The Gingerbread Man and exploring bean seeds and cotton wool to grow our own beanstalks in the classroom. |
Expression and Creativity | On a Thursday afternoon we will be exploring tools and resources to make artwork related to the topic including making and decorating gingerbread men pictures and magic beans. |
6th Jan and 13th Jan | The Gingerbread Man |
20th Jan and 27th Jan | Jack and the Beanstalk |
3rd Feb and 10th Feb | Hansel and Gretel |
Ideas for home | * You could go to your local library and borrow books and story sacks of traditional stories, such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Billy Goats Gruff or The Enormous Turnip. * You could do some cooking or messy play linked to a favourite story, for example messy play with porridge (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) or baking and decorating gingerbread men. * You could search YouTube for story massage stories to try with your child. A channel called @StoryMassageforChildren has various follow along videos, including Cinderella and The Three Little Pigs. * You could see how tall a beanstalk you can grow on a windowsill or in the garden. * You could collect empty cardboard boxes, tubes and containers and use them to make a junk model princess castle with your child. |