Welcome to Seahorses

Teacher Sarah Denton
Photo of Sarah Denton

Welcome to Seahorses Class!

We are a lovely class of 11 busy and active children learning alongside 5 adults.
We like to use a variety of multi-sensory approaches and incorporate a variety of learning
approaches to help us learn and meet our individual needs.
In Seahorses we are working on our communication skills alongside developing our
number, reading and writing.
We love achieving our goals and sharing these throughout the day and in the
afternoon we celebrate our achievements with Golden Time.

Seahorse timetable Summer 2 2024




Curriculum Information for parents: Summer Term 2 23/24Topic: Carnival of animals
SubjectProfiles & Ideas for Home Learning
English Our topic this half term is Carnival of animals. We will be focussing on stories as a theme such as The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will also be looking at animal adventure stories (Jungle run, Leo the Lion). We will continue to have daily phonics sessions to support the children with their reading and writing using the Twinkl Phonics scheme. On Thursday we will be visiting the library to develop our reading skills. It would be fantastic if you could have discussions around the different types of stories they have read based on animals.
MathsIn Maths we will be focussing on numbers beyond 10. We will be looking at how to build numbers past 10 and also how to continue patterns using these numbers. We will also be exploring 3D shapes. At home the children could try and find different things that are 3D e.g. a tin can is a cylinder.
ScienceIn Science we will be learning about living things and their habitats. We will look at where animals live and what they eat. We will also learn about animal life cycles. At home and when out and about the children could see if they can find habitats for different animals and investigate what they eat.
PSHEIn PSHE we will be exploring the different the roles different people (e.g. acquaintances, friends and relatives) play in our lives. We will identify the people who love and care for them and what they do to help them feel cared for.
ComputingIn computing we will be starting a project using computers that is based around our own activities and interests.
Humanities History In History we will be learning about changes over time. We will look at how the way we see the world now is very different from the past. At home the children could find out from their relatives/neighbours how their lives are different now from their childhood.
PEIn PE we will be focusing on dance. We will explore different types of dance and learn how to sequence and perform these dances.
ArtIn Art we will be focussing on Clay. We will be looking at shape, form and space.
Music In Music we will be learning about pulse and rhythm. We will be learning about feeling the pulse and using animal movement and speed to illustrate this. At home the children could listen to different types of music and think about what animals they may depict.
REIn RE we will be learning about Islam faith. We will learn about their teachings and their authority.