Welcome to Willow

Teacher - Governor Jacob Millin

Appointed 19/10/2020

Photo of Jacob Millin

Welcome to Willow Class!

We are a class of 12 energetic boys. Becoming independent plays a large role in our day-to-day experience of school. We explore the full range of National Curriculum subjects and this is entwined with activities and experiences that help to prepare for our adult life. We all have high expectations of each other and support one another to achieve our goals.

Willow Summer term 2 timetable – 23/24

Summer Term 2 - 23/24Curriculum Information for parents
SubjectProfileLearning at home
EnglishIn English this half term we will be exploring the theme of ‘journeys’. We will explore some fictional and historical journeys, responding through poetry and descriptive writing and using all of the grammatical skills that we have used this year. There will also be opportunities for pupils to write about their own journeys, if would like to send any pictures in. You may also wish to talk to your child about your journeys that you have been on, or extended family members. Where did they go? What did they see? Why did they go?
MathsOur next topic in Maths is ‘money’. Pupils will learn how to recognise, group and count denominations. We will relate this to our multiplication study earlier this year and learn different methods to speed this process up. Play a game at home that involves money. This can involve exploring different ways to make the same amount, estimating how much money is in a bag by feeling the coins or exploring how many objects you could buy with a given amount.
PSHE/PfALPupils will continue to looking at staying safe and within the law. We will also explore planning a trip in preparation for the end of the year. Pupils will look at risk assessing, timing and map reading to help to plan this. Your child may wish to discuss aspects of this topic with you at home and we will write down what we have explored each week in the diary, so that you are aware of what has been discussed.
SciencePupils will choose a selection of experiments to perform each week as we explore ‘Scientific Enquiry’. We will work together to plan, predict and record the results of these experiments in order to fine tune our practice of testing out differing theories. Can you recall any experiments that you performed in school. Explain them to your child and encourage them to share this with the class in school.
Design Technology / ComputingThis half term we will be continuing to combine DT and Computing. Pupils will research, design and make a series of batch produced items, with the aim of making them consistent by creating a set of steps to follow. If possible, watch videos on how some of your child’s favourite products are made. In school they will have watched how Hot Wheels cars are produced.
ArtPupils will use a technique called Batik this half term. They will explore how wax can be used to create designs, before having a go at creating a whole class piece of Art. Talk to your child about what they have learnt each week about this process. What does this method involve? What worked well? What could be done next time to make their work more successful?
HistoryIn History we are learning about Ancient Egypt. We will be researching using different sources such as the internet, videos and booksBooks from the library. Videos on the internet. What did the Ancient Egyptians invent/popularise?
MusicTempo, pulse and rhythm will be our focus this half term. Pupils will learn the difference between each of these and use percussion to experiment for themselves. Listen to the radio together and discuss which songs you like. Can you identify the pulse and rhythm in the song?
PEThis half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these. Also looking at striking and fielding games Looking to play games using a bat and ball. Working on hand eye co-ordination