At Sheringham Woodfields School we take pride and great care in making sure your personal data is safe, secure and used only for the purpose(s) intended.
Please find below a selection of documents that the school uses to support us to ensure compliance with GDPR.
Parent/Pupil Privacy Notice – details the information we collect on you and why we need it. Please click on the button to access the form.
Pupil/Parental consent form – details the aspects of school management that we ask you to consent to/for to support the work we carry out.
Staff Privacy Notice – details the information we collect on you and why we need it. Please click on the button to access the form.
Staff consent form – details the aspects of school management that we ask you to consent to/for to support the work we carry out. Please click on the button to access the form.
Should you have any questions, concerns or queries please raise these with the school on 01263 820520.
Should you wish to contact the school’s Data Protection Officer please use the following details:
Name: Matt Spall (DPO Centre)
Tel: 01263 820520
Some additional information about third-party software we use to support the running and management of the school:
Subject access requests
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, all stakeholders have a right to request access to information the school holds about them. This is known as a subject access request.
Subject access requests must be submitted in writing, either by letter, email or fax. Requests should include:
- The subject’s name
- A correspondence address
- A contact number and email address
- Details about the information requested
Alternatively, a request can be made verbally in person or over the phone. If over the phone, verification of identity will still be required.
The school will not reveal the following information in response to subject access requests:
- Information that might cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the pupil or
another individual - Information that would reveal that the child is at risk of abuse, where disclosure of that
information would not be in the child’s best interests - Information contained in adoption and parental order records
- Certain information given to a court in proceedings concerning the child
Subject access requests for all or part of the pupil’s educational record will be provided within 15 school days. The school may need to make a charge in connection with the cost of delivering said papers.
If a subject access request does not relate to the educational record, we will respond within 30 calendar days.
If you are unable to make this request in writing, please call the school on 01263 820520 and ask to speak to the Business Manager.
Proof of your identification will be needed for the subject access request to be actioned.
Below is information in connection with companies we use in terms of data processing (known as Third Parties)
Pro-Forms (Resource Track UK Ltd) (Pupils and Staff)
An online data capture secure that Sheringham Woodfields School has been heavily involved in creating and tailoring to meet the needs of the school.
More information about their privacy policies can be found here:
The school has a separate processing agreement in place which covers UK data sovereignty
ScholarPack (Pupils and Staff)
This is the Management Information System used by the school to support with statutory returns such as School Census, Workforce Census and Assessment returns. Many Norfolk (and indeed UK based) Schools use this online platform. We also use ScholarPack to send Text messages to those families and employees that have given consent.
More information about their compliance with GDPR can be found here:
Tapestry (Pupils) – retired August 2022
Within the EYFS curriculum there is a need to support dynamic recording and annotation of assessment and progress. The school subscribes to Tapestry to provide this solution. This is an 2 way software solution that parents/carers can access, review and comment on.
Their Privacy Policy information can be found here:
Evidence for Learning (Pupils)
Evidence for Learning is used for capturing all progress and achievement across the School.
Their Privacy and Secuirty policy can be found here:
Microsoft Power BI (Pupils)
An online data manipulation tool to better meet the needs of the school in analysing some of the large volume of data the school generates.
More information can be found here:
Education HR (Norfolk County Counil) formerly named Educator Solutions (Staff)
Many of the school support services accessed via the school (HR, Payroll, Health and Safety, Finance Support) are procured via EducationHR (trading arm of Norfolk County Council). More information can be found here:
The software used to transfer contractual information/contract changes is provided by pa product called HotDocs. The parent company, Abacus Next have provided the following information in and around Privacy:
TSDi (Staff)
TDSi Integrated Access Control Solutions (for Personnel)
We operate a secure door access/entry system across the main school building. All staff have custom printed key cards which include their name and photo. More information about TDSi can be found here:
Panasonic Telephone System (Pupils and Staff)
The school has a Panasonic Telephone System installed within the school. This works across the main site, Annexe and Woodfields Den Charity Shop.
Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes and to support with any complaints received in connection with a telephone call made.
iHasco (Staff)
The school uses iHasco to provide statutory training for staff within the school.
MyConcern (Pupils)
MyConcern is a cloud based solution purchased by the School to support with meeting our Safeguarding requirements for all pupils on roll at the School.
Their GDPR compliance statement is available here: