Welcome to Sycamore

Teacher Iwona Litwiniec
Photo of Iwona Litwiniec

Sycamore is part of the Sixth Form Unit. We aim to develop our independence, communication, numeracy and life skills, during our time in Sycamore.

As we work towards transitioning into our adult lives and onto our next steps. We constantly develop our communication skills. We aim to communicate effectively with our peers and other members of our community. We access the community for shopping, swimming and café trips. We also visit transition venues to get a feel of the environments we will be moving onto when we leave sixth form and SWS. We communicate our preferences through signs, symbols and body language and gestures. As a class, we are undertaking various projects throughout this school year.  Throughout this year we will be completing projects at the patch, the new reef swimming complex in Sheringham and accessing the local community to practice are shopping skills.
We  are always encouraged and supported to reach our potential and be happy and enjoy our time at school.

Sycamore timetable – Summer term 1  – 23/24


Curriculum Information for parentsSummer term 1 23/24
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
Maths - White Rose Maths Time This term we will be focusing on time, put daily events in order, recognising numbers on clocks, telling time (full hour). Can you make a schedule for a week? What time do you get up? What time do you go to bed? Listen to songs about time, recognise numbers on clock.
Preparation for Adult Life (PfAL) Housework and independence skills Transition visits Walks to community We will be doing different housework jobs: cooking, washing up, hoovering, dusting, moping etc. We will access different venues in our local area (parks, cafes, museums, shops) to practise our independence and communication skills and continue our Transition Trips to post 19 provisions. Try to involve your child in housework at home, make it fun and attractive. Have a go cooking and baking using safely kitchen tools and measuring equipment; scales or cups.
English - Poetry, Prose and non-fiction on a theme Family We will continue our 1:1 reading focusing on reading for pleasure. We will read/listen to a range of books during our daily story time. Our main topic for Summer 1 will be family. We will look at different poems and texts about family and we will also have a go at writing some poems ourselves. Can you create a family tree? Look through photo albums and listen or tell stories about different family members.
Science Patch (PfAL) Physics: Solids, liquids and gases, properties of materials Matter We will be working in the Patch, following instructions to carry out gardening tasks in a safe manner. We will be looking at different materials and how they change. Work together, plant and look after your plants, use the tools safely.
I.C.T. We will be using different ICT tool: computers, interactive screen, sensory equipment, cause and effort tools to achieved our learning targets. We will be practising typing by continuing with our online course Touch-Type Read and Spell. Encourage your child to use educational games or applications on iPad. www.topmarks.co.uk www.twinkl.co.uk https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/fun-games
PSHE and Citizenship Communication Zones of Regulations Communities working together Crime and the law (including discussion of illegal online activity where appropriate) Crime and Justice Taking part in weekly Signalong sessions with Signalong tutor (Iwona Litwiniec), attending transition trips and accessing local community; Using Zones of Regulations to express feelings and emotions. We will be visiting different places in our local community to explore how people work together to support others in need. Practise signing at home through singing and playing; using symbols to express feelings and wishes.
Art Cut and join clay, use tools and paint Pottery/ceramic In art we will be focusing on pottery and ceramic art. We will be looking at some different styles of pottery and then using clay and pottery painting. At home you can try to use playdough to practise your fine motor skills by making different shapes or just playing in it. Visit a garden centre to look at different pottery their shapes and colours.
PE + Yoga SE Room – Using their plans to help pupil to engage
Humanities (Jason Tooke) Geography – Compare a rural and an urban location Contrasting area of the British Isles We will be studying contrasting areas of the British Isles, with a focus on urban and rural. We will be taking a closer look at London, locating it on maps and looking at how to describe the buildings and key features found in this city. We will then look at some rural areas and note some of the differences, including the buildings, sights & sounds. Look at areas when out in the car or walking . discuss what they have seen and how the areas change
Music Pulse, tempo and rhythm Team Rhythms In music we will be listen to different music with a clear pulse, tempo and rhythm. At home listen to the music, can you clap to the pulse, move to the rhythm? Enjoy listen to the music and dance around with your siblings or parents.