Welcome to Sycamore

Teacher - Governor Jacob Millin

Appointed 19/10/2020

Photo of Jacob Millin

Sycamore is part of the Sixth Form Unit. We aim to develop our independence, communication, numeracy and life skills, during our time in Sycamore.

As we work towards transitioning into our adult lives and onto our next steps. We constantly develop our communication skills. We aim to communicate effectively with our peers and other members of our community. We access the community for shopping, swimming and café trips. We also visit transition venues to get a feel of the environments we will be moving onto when we leave sixth form and SWS. We communicate our preferences through signs, symbols and body language and gestures. As a class, we are undertaking various projects throughout this school year.  Throughout this year we will be completing projects at the patch, the new reef swimming complex in Sheringham and accessing the local community to practice are shopping skills.
We  are always encouraged and supported to reach our potential and be happy and enjoy our time at school.

Sycamore timetable – Autumn term 1 – 24/25

Curriculum Information for parentsAutumn Term 1 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
EnglishIn English this half term we will be exploring the theme of emotions through our reading of ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness. We will respond through sentence building, poetry and descriptive writing in order to discuss, respond and form opinions on what we have read and heard.This book explores the themes of fear and courage. You may also wish to talk to your child about things that you were/are afraid of and times when you have needed to show courage. What happened? Did anything change? How did it feel to be afraid or courageous?
Maths Our next topic in Maths is ‘place value’. Pupils will split into groups across our sixth form classes to learn differing aspects of this topic. Across the half term pupils will build their understanding of number recognition and apply this to word based problems. Write a series 4 numbers down on bits of separate paper and challenge each other to make the biggest or smallest number from them. Take this a step further by making the biggest/smallest odd or even number. Next try these activities with 5 or 6 separate numbers.
Personal Development/PfALPupils will look at ways to stay safe in the community and at home. We will work together to identify risks in the local area for trips that we go on as well as explore safety in the kitchen. Your child may wish to discuss aspects of this topic with you at home and we will write down what we have explored each week in the diary, so that you are aware of what has been discussed.
ComputingThis half term we will explore coding. Pupils will create a series of programmes, games and devices that can serve educational and leisure purposes. If possible, explore coding based websites and activities such as Tynker Coding and Scratch.
Art Pupils will explore acrylic paint and sewing to begin this half term. They will observe differing skylines, aiming to colour match what they see, before adding in sewn details later on in the half term. Talk to your child about what they have learnt each week about this process. What does this method involve? What worked well? What could be done next time to make their work more successful?
PEPupils will look at health and fitness. Looking at circuits and exercise to improve the fitness of the individual . Also we will be taking part in Boxercise sessions . Going for a walk, jog etc . Activities to get the heartbeat rising.
Kitchen SkillsPupils will explore healthy eating this half term, along with learning safe hygiene and food handling in our Teaching Kitchen. Pupils will plan, buy and make a recipe each week, which will be turned into our very own Sycamore Cook Book. What are your favourite family meals at home, do you have a recipe? If so, send it in and we can consider making it.
TITAN Travel TrainingTITAN (Travel Independence Training across Norfolk) offers young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support to help them to become confident independent travellers. Pupils in Sycamore will be following this course in order to promote independence and their confidence in navigating public transport. Plan real or imaginary trips together and consider the transport arrangements you would need to consider in order to get there. Where does the bus/train leave from? What time does it leave/arrive? How much does it cost?