Welcome to Cedar

Teacher Dana Thaxter
Photo of Dana Thaxter

Welcome to Cedar Class

We are a lovely class of 8 busy and active children learning alongside 5 adults.
We like to use a variety of multi-sensory approaches and incorporate a variety of learning
approaches to help us learn and meet our individual needs.
In Cedar class we are working on our communication alongside developing our
number, reading and writing skills.
We love sharing our achievements with each other throughout the day and in the
afternoon we celebrate with Golden Time.

Cedar timetable – Summer  term 1 – 23/24



Curriculum Info: Summer Term 1 23/24TopicProfiles and Ideas for Home
EnglishAround the WorldIn English our topic for this half term is ‘Around the World’. We will be looking at stories such as “Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne and ‘Around the World with Max and Lemon’. We will be thinking about key words such as ‘setting’ and ‘character’, what they mean and how they impact on the story. We will have a go at coming up with our own settings and characters from around the world. We will also think carefully about the way a story is structured and the function of the beginning, middle and end. We will continue having daily Phonics sessions to support the children with their reading and writing skills using the Twinkl Phonics scheme. If you have any questions about this, or would like any resources to support your child at home, please get in touch. Tracey will be leading a session in the Library on Wednesdays to develop Library skills and reading comprehension. At home have you got any books that are set in different countries? You could read the story together and then explore information about the country it is set in. How is it the same or different to where we live?
MathsMultiplication and DivisionThis half term in Maths we will be looking at using our number skills from previous learning to explore multiplication and division. We will use physical resources to practically discover what happens to numbers when you split them into equal groups or have ‘lots of’ a number. We will think about basic fractions and what ½ and ¼ of items looks like. We will link this to our cooking sessions and think about using measurements such as ½ a cup of flour. You could explore this at home in setting the table or cooking. How do we share out the forks/knives/spoons etc.? How do we slice up the pizza?
ScienceForces and MagnetsIn Science we will be looking at forces and magnets! We will explore a range of push and pull forces in everyday objects and think about the forces we use on a daily basis. We will look at magnets and what is attracted to the magnet. We will conduct some experiments to investigate how magnets work – how many paperclips can the magnet pick up? How close does it need to be to attract a paperclip? Can you explore which forces are happening in your home? What items in your house are magnetic/non-magnetic?
P.E (led by Jason) This half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills: running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these.
ComputingFirst we will recap how to keep safe using technology using the Stop. Close. Tell rule. In class we will be learning how to use the computer/keyboard to type. We will explore the different keys on the keyboard such as enter, spacebar and caps lock. In the sensory room we will explore how our actions e.g. pressing a button causes an effect e.g. changing the colour of the light. To support with this learning you could help your child to safely experience digital devices at home. Explore ways of typing on different devices using touch screen or keyboards.
CookingHealthy eatingWe will be using the teaching kitchen this half term. We will explore different fruit and vegetables and think about how to use them in cooking. We will be making different salads and smoothies and trying them to see if we like or dislike them. Our cooking will link with our Maths about fractions and DT skills of keeping safe using utensils. At home could you try a new fruit or vegetable and see if you can use it in a recipe?
ArtTransportIn Art our topic will be transport. We will think about developing our drawing skills to draw boats, hot air balloons and other forms of transport. We will think about how to represent transport in lots of different ways – collage, paint and photography for example. We will practice evaluating our own work and the work of our friends to think about how we would do things differently next time. At home or out in the community what modes of transport can you spot? Could you take some photos and try and recreate them at home?
MindfulnessEvery afternoon we will be taking some time to practise mindfulness techniques. We will use yoga, colouring and breathing activities to focus on being in the moment and develop some strategies to support our emotional regulation. At home you could use Cosmic Kids Yoga/Breathing videos to practise the skills the children have been learning in school.