Welcome to Cedar

Teacher Dana Thaxter
Photo of Dana Thaxter

Welcome to Cedar Class

We are a lovely class of 8 busy and active children learning alongside 5 adults.
We like to use a variety of multi-sensory approaches and incorporate a variety of learning
approaches to help us learn and meet our individual needs.
In Cedar class we are working on our communication alongside developing our
number, reading and writing skills.
We love sharing our achievements with each other throughout the day and in the
afternoon we celebrate with Golden Time.

Cedar – summer term 2 timetable – 23/24



Curriculum Info: Summer Term 2 23/24TopicProfiles and Ideas for Home
EnglishWeather In English our topic for this half term is ‘Weather’. We will be looking at non-fiction and information texts about weather and climates and investigating their key features. We will also read stories about weather such as “Seren’s Seasons” and “The Boy and the Rainbow”. We will then have a go at writing our own weather reports. We will be thinking about key features of non-fiction such as ‘heading’ ‘contents’ and ‘index’ what they are and where to find them in the text. We will use our stories about weather to inspire our thinking about adjectives to use when describing the weather. We will then combine this to write our own factual weather reports using descriptive language. We will continue having daily Phonics sessions to support the children with their reading and writing skills using the Twinkl Phonics scheme. If you have any questions about this, or would like any resources to support your child at home, please get in touch. Tracey will be leading a session in the Library on Wednesdays to develop Library skills and reading comprehension. At home you could watch the weather reports on the news and think about the language they use. Could you create a weather chart to track the weather?
MathsMeasurementThis half term in Maths we will be focusing on measurement. This will include money, time and mass/volume. This will mostly be using practical hands on resources to develop our understanding. We will look at the different coins and explore using them in role play situations. We will look at types of clock and how to read them starting with o’clock and half past. We will use water play to explore volume using a range of containers and use scales to discuss heavier and lighter objects. When out in the community or doing online buying allow your child to support you with shopping, talk about prices, coins, change etc. Refer to the time at home or usual times in your child’s routine and look at the clock together to support their understanding.
Foundation SubjectsRE/MFL/HumanitiesThis half term we will cover a variety of foundation subjects. We will have RE sessions on Islam and Christianity and their key teachings. We will look at France and the French language in MFL exploring some key vocabulary and French culture. In Humanities we will link our learning in English about weather to Geography and consider weather around the world. At home discuss the weather and seasons perhaps look at pictures of your child in different seasons. Watch a favourite TV show with French subtitles turned on to expose your child to the written language or play some favourite songs in French.
P.E (led by Jason) This half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills: running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these. Plus we will be looking at striking and fielding games – such as rounders and cricket.
ComputingIndividual projectsFirst we will recap how to keep safe using technology using the Stop. Close. Tell rule. In class we will use our typing skills to find information on the internet about a chosen special interest. Over the half term we will create a presentation about our chosen topic, learning to add text and pictures. We will then share our projects with each other. To support with this learning you could help your child to safely experience digital devices at home. Explore ways of typing on different devices and finding information using the internet safely.
PSHE Bus Trip Our PSHE sessions this half term will centre around keeping ourselves safe out in the community. We will be going out on the bus and visiting local landmarks and play parks to practise our skills. Talk to your children at home about how to stay safe, discuss things which are risks and how you can keep safe. For example, how to stop, look, listen and think before crossing the road.
ArtWaterIn Art our topic will be water. We will explore a variety of ways to use water in Art. We will look at marbling, using candles and painting over it, tie dying and making sensory bottles. At home or out in the community what water sources can you spot? Could you visit a local pond/lake/aquarium and get some inspiration?
MindfulnessEvery afternoon we will be taking some time to practise mindfulness techniques. We will use yoga, colouring and breathing activities to focus on being in the moment and develop some strategies to support our emotional regulation. At home you could use Cosmic Kids Yoga/Breathing videos to practise the skills the children have been learning in school.