Please find below the links to our current policies. If you would like a copy of a policy or would like information in connection with a policy not listed, please call the school office on 01263 820520 or email We can provide hard copies of policies free of charge should they be required/requested.

Please note we have a separate PREVENT policy for the school.

Download Information for Parents About our Safeguarding Procedures
Download Safeguarding Policy
Download Dignity Respect and Confidentiality Statement
Download Behaviour Management Policy
Download Whistleblowing
Download Prevent Policy
Download Mission Statement
Download Teaching and Learning Policy
Download Equality Policy
Download 16 to 19 Bursary
Download Attendance Policy
Download Complaints Procedure
Download Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy
Download Medication Policy
Download Health Safety Policy
Download Charging Policy
Download Moving & Handling Policy
Download Provider Access Policy
Download Data Protection Policy
Download Early Years Policy
Download LAC Policy
Download Home School Agreement Policy
Download ESafety Policy
Download Exclusion Policy
Download Pay Policy
Download Special Educational Needs/Access Policy
Download Race Equality Policy
Download Feedback & Annotation
Download FOI Policy
Download Sex & Relationships Education Policy
Download Careers Education & Guidance Policy
Download Induction Policy
Download Students & Volunteers Policy
Download Assessment, Recording & Reporting Policy
Download Early Career Teacher ECT Induction
Download Communication Policy
Download Bad Debt Policy
Download Curriculum Policy
Download Reading for Pleasure Policy
Download Recruitment policy
Download Exams Policy
Download Flexible Working Policy
Download Finance Policy
Download Reporting Low-Level Safeguarding Concerns Policy
Download Visitor Policy
Download Teacher Capability Policy and Procedure
Download Appraisal Policy for Support Staff
Download Appraisal Policy for Teachers
Download Capability Procedure Policy for Support Staff
Download Inclusion Policy
Download School Staff discipline Policy Procedure
Download Social Media & Electronics Communications Policy
Download Absence Management Model Policy & Procedure
Download Best Value Policy
Download Payment of governors allowances policy
Download Mental Health Policy
Download AP Policy
Download Educational Visits Policy
Download Reading Policy
Download School Staff Dismissal and Appeal Policy
Download Discipline Guidance on Conduct for Employees Policy
Download First Aid & Incident Reporting Policy
Download Staff Grievance Policy
Download School Bullying Harassment Policy