Welcome to Rowan

Teacher - Rowan Victoria Gotts
Photo of Victoria Gotts


Welcome to Rowan!
We are a lovely class of 6 pupils.

We have 6 adults supporting us each day.

We love a bit of silliness and fun!
In Rowan class we are working within the Engagement Model.  We follow a very multi sensory, topic based curriculum, focusing on the 5 areas of engagement (exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation). We do lots of sensory stories, music, communication work, exploring and fine motor skills activities to help us make progress with our own individual EHCP outcomes.  We use a total communication approach including on body signing, photos, symbols and Objects of Reference. We also work hard on our physical skills in our physio sessions, weekly rebound and twice weekly hydrotherapy.

Rowan Timetable Summer Term 2 2024




Curriculum Information for parentsSummer term 2 23/24Topic - Leisure Activities
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
CommunicationWe will be working on personalised activities linked to our EHCP and SaLT (Speech and Language Therapy) outcomes See Social and Emotional section for some ideas for early interaction games
Problem Solving We will be having a go at bowling using a ramp. Each week we will take it in turns to roll the ball down the ramp, knocking down pins. We will experience counting and numerals as the adults let us know our scores. On the 10th of July we will be going bowling at JRs in North Walsham for our Enrichment Week trip! You could play with some fine motor toys at home, such as inset puzzles and toys with buttons. You could make your own fine motor activities such as stuffing lots of coloured scarves into an empty tissue box for your child to grasp and pull out of the box –
Phonics/ listeningWe will be going for listening walks around the school, observing the pupils to see what sounds they show a response to as we walk around the corridors and outside You could go for your own listening walks around your home and local area
ExplorationWe will be going over to The Patch on a Thursday afternoon this half term to get involved in the leisure activity - gardening. We will have a go at tasks such as digging, planting, watering and be able to explore different gardening tools and plants over at The Patch. You could get your child involved in gardening at home, watering the plants or exploring some of the things you’ve got growing at home.
Stories and Books This half term we will be sharing Bag Books linked to our topic, such as one about a football match, one about camping and one about a Hot Air Balloon. Bag Books are multi-sensory books which combine storytelling and sensory props. We will be reading a range of books together in the library each week, also doing 1-1 reading with each pupil You could visit your local library to borrow picture books, board books, audio books, tactile books, noisy books and story sacks.
Orientation, Movement and Mobility: Physio We will practise our physical skills using walkers, A frames, reaching out and exploring or moving ourselves around the classroom and school. We will be doing hydrotherapy, rebound therapy and physio stretches and exercises. You could do some physio exercises with your child at home. Write a note in the home/school book if you would like a copy of the physio exercises we do with your child in school.
ICTWe will be using switches, iPads, touch screen and the Interactive Floor to work on our cause and effect skills You could explore some cause and effect toys at home with your child
MusicIn our music sessions this half term we will be playing musical instruments along to some of our favourite music (please complete the enclosed form to help us with what music to play along to) You could listen to a range of different genres of music with your child and observe their responses
Social and Emotional We will have some social play time on a Tuesday morning in class, focusing on responding to peers, sharing space, sharing toys and turn taking. On a Friday afternoon, we will be doing massage with props and sensory lights. You could have a go at some different games with your child. Just One Norfolk have some ideas for Early Interaction Games - https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/speech-language/early-communication/early-interaction-games/ You could expand on these activities by encouraging your child to sign for ‘more’ and/or build on their anticipation by waiting for them to use their voice to indicate ‘go’ after saying ‘ready…steady…’
For the last couple of weeks of the Summer term we will be ‘off timetable’. During this time we will be taking part in whole school events such as Sports Day and Norfolk Day. We will also use these last couple of weeks to explore some different Leisure Activities such as cooking and art. Please complete and return the enclosed form regarding your child’s favourite music and leisure activities.