Welcome to Beech

Teacher - Oak Colin Heinink
Photo of Colin Heinink

Welcome to Beech class!

Beech is a class of 10 students with diverse needs and abilities. They are supported by five members of staff. We use a total communication approach; this includes SingAlong, symbols and verbal, to communicate our wishes, needs, feelings and knowledge.
We follow a broad curriculum which consists of formal learning in a wide range of subjects (English, Maths, Science, PSHE, Art, Computing, DT, Humanities, MFL, Music, PE) alongside an informal curriculum which includes various therapies (hydro, music, sensory) and support around our EHCP outcomes.
We also follow a PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) curriculum, which encourages independence and competency in a wide range of life skills. This is supported by our weekly visits to the Patch and our regular visits around the local community.
All class activities are differentiated and tailored to meet individual needs and interests, meaning the pupils are happy to learn, they have lots of fun and allows them to readily build their confidence in many areas.


Beech TimeTable – Autumn 1 24/25

Curriculum Information for Parents. Autumn Term 1 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsOur next topic in Maths is ‘money’. Pupils will learn how to recognise, group and count denominations. We will also relate this to our addition and subtraction work; totalling shopping lists and working out change Involving your child when you are out and about shopping. Can they count out the coins required. Perhaps they could also estimate the cost of your shopping basket? Playing board games involving money.
English In English this half term we will be exploring the theme of ‘animals’. We will be looking at fiction and non fiction as well as practising our descriptive skills through poetry. We usually learn in this kind of pattern… exploring a topic through different genres and then comparing those genres. We will also practise writing for a purpose. The children also have weekly 1:1 reading and phonics sessions. Considering adjectives to describe pets. Reading and discussing poems and stories about animals. Reading non fiction books about animals. Creating fact files.
ArtIn Art we are creating artworks with different fabrics. We will be painting and printing on fabrics as well as practising our weaving skills. It would be helpful to look up the art work of William Morris and Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ as we will use these as inspiration for our creations.
PSHE In PSHE we are learning about our communities. We will be considering what communities we belong to and looking into what is available in our communities. Perhaps looking into different activities that are available locally for your child and perhaps trying somewhere new.
GeographyGeography is in the Middle East. We will start off by looking at maps and pictures of the region before looking at what life is like for those who live there. We will also look at some environmental issues. Looking at atlases and Google Earth at home. Google image searches for countries in the Middle East.
Library Our focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure. Enjoy reading and browsing books with your child just for pleasure. Have books and magazines around the house, if possible make reading and listening to stories part of your usual routine.
ScienceScience is the human body: cells and the skeleton. We will be making models to show this and looking at the function of these aspects of the human body. We hope to use some microscopes. Internet searches. Books from the library. Perhaps a museum visit!
PEPE is Health and Fitness. We will be practising various exercises to keep us fit. This will include boxercise. Accessing your local leisure centre/gym. Outdoor gyms in the park. Yoga at home, perhaps using online videos.