Welcome to Beech

Teacher Cate Sadler-Barker
Photo of Cate Sadler-Barker

Welcome to Beech class!

Beech is a class of 10 students with diverse needs and abilities. They are supported by five members of staff. We use a total communication approach; this includes SingAlong, symbols and verbal, to communicate our wishes, needs, feelings and knowledge.
We follow a broad curriculum which consists of formal learning in a wide range of subjects (English, Maths, Science, PSHE, Art, Computing, DT, Humanities, MFL, Music, PE) alongside an informal curriculum which includes various therapies (hydro, music, sensory) and support around our EHCP outcomes.
We also follow a PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) curriculum, which encourages independence and competency in a wide range of life skills. This is supported by our weekly visits to the Patch and our regular visits around the local community.
All class activities are differentiated and tailored to meet individual needs and interests, meaning the pupils are happy to learn, they have lots of fun and allows them to readily build their confidence in many areas.


Beech Timetable – Summer Term 2 – 23/24

Curriculum Information for Parents. Summer Term 2 23/24
SubjectProfile - JourneysIdeas for home
EnglishIn our writing sessions we will be learning to write a poem about a journey. Alongside gaining some inspiration whilst on our own journeys during our weekly trips, we will also look for ideas during our visits to the library. We will be listening to, reading and looking at poems, stories and non fictional books as part of our research. We will continue with our 1:1 reading sessions throughout the week and learning/practising new sounds during our daily phonics lessons (except Thursday). On your journey to school/home what do you see/notice? Can you tell us when you get to school or tell your family when you get home. Write a list of keywords. Watch a film involving a journey, this could include Up, Jumanji, Peter Pan, Nemo, Brave, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, and many more. Can you take some inspiration from these to create a poem about a journey? Read your Rhino book at home – which member of the family will you read to (don’t forget to include the animals, they love listening to stories!).
MathsWe will be following the White Rose Maths scheme. The topics will include ‘To 20 and beyond’, ‘Mass and capacity’, ‘Money’ and ‘Multiplication and division’. Each lesson pupils will complete a carousel of activities to support their learning in these areas. We will be applying the skills we have learnt, to everyday life by singing songs and solving problems.I will inform you which topic your child is covering. Select the correct topic and complete the activities: To 20 and beyond – where can you spot the numerals 0-20? How many baked beans have you got on your plate? How many will you have if you eat one? Mass and Capacity – pick up tow objects; which one is heavier? At mealtimes, compare whos cup can hold the most liquid. Multiplication and division – play some multiplication and division games on Topmarks. Which ones will you choose? Money – can you identify some of the coins in your piggy bank? Would you like to go to a car boot? Or a funfair? Can you find the correct money to pay?
PSHE and Citizenship This half term we will be finding out what people do for leisure and what leisure activities there are in the local area (we will link this with our Wednesday trips out in the community). We will discuss the benefits of using different leisure facilities. We will carry out some surveys in school and in the community to support this.What leisure facilities do you have near your home? What activities do you take part in when not at school? Can you try some new leisure activities? How did these make you feel?
ScienceWe will be looking at the lifecycle of a human. What did we look like as a baby? We will learn how we have changed. How will we change in the future? We will learn to name the different stages of the human lifecycle. We will be carrying out some surveys in school; What can we do at different stages in our lifecycle and does feet size change with age? What will we find out?Can you find a photo of when you were a baby, a toddler and a small child. How did you change are you got older? What do you think will change as you get older compared to now. Discuss this with an older member of your family – how did they change? Look at some photos of them throughout their lifetime.
ComputingOur first lesson will include some information on Esafety – we will look at Cyberbullying and how we can prevent it. Then we will be looking at Multimedia tools. We will find out how to make our own presentations, this may be on a story book, an event in our life, an instruction presentation or a safety message. Pupils will learn how to add images and information and present them clearly and attractively.Can you give a presentation at home? What will it be on? When you watch adverts on the TV, think of them of a presentation – what do you see/hear, what do they tell you? Can they give you some ideas for your own presentation?
PEWe will continue to focus on our athletic skills this half term; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring ur performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these.Can you play some games with your family that include running. jumping and throwing. This could be jumping the waves down the beach, playing Frisbee with a sibling or throwing the ball for your dog.
PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) We will be using the ASDAN Transition programme to support our learning in this area. We will be focusing on four specific areas; Employment (work experience, trips, etc) Independent living (cooking, laundry, chores, money management), Being as healthy as possible (hygiene, PSHE, RSE), and being part of the community (trips, voluntary work etc). This half term’s focus will be ‘Making Choices’. During our trips we will be making some healthy choices when shopping and visiting play areas. We will also be looking at our mental health by visiting places that support our wellbeing. We will also be taking part in the 30 days Wild challenge. This will include spending some time outdoors, doing activities to support our wellbeing. Please let me know how you got on with any similar activities to these at home, so we can celebrate your successes with the class. This could be communicated via a note in the diary or email any photos to Miss S-B.
Pride dayWe are going to spend the day learning about Pride. This will include taking part in a wide range of activities planned for by other classes. We may include making rainbow biscuits, colourful jewlery, grow a rainbow and/or paint our own messages onto our Norfolk Rocks for our friends to find.What will you do to celebrate Pride Day at home? You could go for a Rainbow scavenger hunt (can you find all the different coloured items?), make some rainbow cupcakes, a rainbow smoothie or pizza?
DT Independent Living & Being Healthy (Linked with food safety & hygiene) Led by Nikki W This topic will be focusing on Health and Safety when working with Batch Production. We will be looking at real examples and attempting to copy some of their good practice. We will have the opportunity to use the Learning Kitchen. We will be making a simple weekly healthy snack. This half term will include understanding some rules of food hygiene & how to store food safely. When at home or in the community continue to look at items that are linked health, safety & hygiene in the kitchen. For example, aprons, washing up liquid, clean tea towels. Read the labels on some food items to check that they are being stored correctly.
MFL Led by Nikki W This half term we will be continuing our topic – Germany. We will continue with our greetings, saying them & writing them. We will have fun learning about German numbers and German Foods. We hope to try some German food, as a reward for our hard work!At home, can you make a link with Germany? Consider doing your own research. Explore where you might want to go on holiday in Germany. How would you get there? What would you do when you were there? Research some famous cities such as Munich, Frankfurt & Dusseldorf. What would you eat – look up some traditional foods?
History Led by Nikki W We will be studying the Ancient Egyptians. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore artefacts, and experience aspects of life from different sections of Ancient Egyptian Society. We will look at clips and images which illustrate aspects of life at the time, and comment about what can be seen. This will be compared with life today. Words which describe features of the period (pyramid/ pharaoh) will be used.When at home consider doing your own research about the Ancient Egyptians for example The Great Pyramid; A famous Pharaoh; What are Canopic jars? Let us know what you have discovered?
RE day Led by Nikki W We will be having a focused day (11.07.24) to explore some aspects of Judaism. It will include looking at concepts and beliefs. We will be looking at artefacts linked with the Jewish Faith.When at home or in the community, can you find any links to Judaism. Consider doing your own research and let us know what you have learnt.
EHCP/PLGs In this session we will be working on our EHCP targets. Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities to support their current PLGs (Personal Learning Goals). What will you choose to do; SignAlong choir, cook or play board/playground games with their peers or take part in our Puberty workshops? During our puberty workshops we will be learning about our emotions during puberty, and how we might manage these.Look at your current PLGs (please ask Miss S-B if you would like a copy of these to be sent home). Which ones could you work on at home? Do you need any resources to support you with this? Please ask the adults in class for anything that you may need.
We would love to hear about anything that you have done at home and celebrate this with the class. Please email any photos to Miss S-B (csadlerbar8rrf@nsix.org.uk), or pop a note in the diary.