Welcome to Maple

Teacher - Maple Heather Saunders
Photo of Heather Saunders

Maple is one of two classes in the sixth form which is based in the Annexe within Sheringham High School.

We are challenging our students to find their own way in the real world. They are using the knowledge they gained and skills they learned through the school to problem solve in real life situations and to prepare for the next step in their lives.
Staff will advise and give choices then allow the students to work things out for themselves, they help each other and are encouraged to ask for help in order for them to become as independent as possible.
We currently have  6 boys and 5 girls. You might think this means it is a quiet class but in fact everyone is chatty, cheerful and confident which means we have lots of fun, you will always hear a lot of laughter as we work hard together.
Come and see us – we’ll make you a cup of tea.


Maple Class timetable – Summer term – 23/24

Curriculum Information for parentsSummer term 23/24
We are working across all subjects towards Asdan units at a level, which is right for each student. They are working on one of the following Red group - Asdan ‘Personal Development Programme’ (PDP) Bronze Award Green group - Asdan ‘Personal Development Programme’ (PDP) Silver Award Blue group Asdan Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) All the students will work to complete adult numeracy and literacy targets at the appropriate level. The work they are doing reflects the functional use of Maths and English in the real world. If you would like more information on this, please contact me so that I can explain in more detail.
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsWe will have 2 Maths lessons each week. Both lessons will focus on the skills required by the Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum, this term we are working on place value in one lesson and practising these skills in lifeskills tasks Red group focus areas: Measure in metres, centimetres and millimetres Measure mass in kilograms and grams Use scales Pounds and pence. Add & subtract money, find change Roman numerals to 12 Tell the time to 5 minutes and to the minute Read time on a digital clock. Use a.m. and p.m. Hours, minutes & seconds. Days and hours. Years, months and days Turns and angles Green group focus areas: Measure in kilometres and metres Perimeter of a rectangle Estimate & compare amounts of money Write money using decimals Calculate & solve problems with money Years, months, weeks and days, hours, minutes and seconds Convert between analogue and digital times & 24 hr clock Identify, understand, compare & order angles Interpret charts Interpret & draw line graphs Plot coordinates & describe position Blue group focus areas: Fractions Measurement, converting Units Ratio Algebra Decimals Count reliably up to 10 or 20 items (or higher if able) – count objects at home, e.g. ask them to lay the table with 4 of everything Recall addition and subtraction facts to 20 – play number games, ask questions when out shopping Relate familiar events to times of the day, seasons, days of the week – discuss what you might be doing at the weekend e.g. how many days until Saturday? Read, measure and record time – any opportunities to tell the time especially using analogue clock face. Extract numerical information from lists, tables, diagrams and block graphs – look at shopping lists, timetables, TV guides
English We will have 2 English lessons each week The first lesson each week will focus Spelling, handwriting - Non Fiction. We will investigate the different purpose of texts and the way that they can advise, instruct, inform, persuade and describe. We will look at how word games promote spelling. Use Independent clauses and predicates alongside comprehension work to practise handwriting. We will discuss and give examples of describing emotions using figurative language and symbolism The second will focus on Grammar & Punctuation, reading – Fiction We will be reading The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf. We will be watching the stage production of the book at Theatre Royal Norwich, reviewing & comparing the book and play. We will look at the work of the author supporting groups to assist refugees and will answer the questions set by the author regarding the text. We will then go on to read Just Like Me by Louise Gooding. The book looks at the life stories of well known people with a variety of disabilities, their successes and contributions to society. We will focus on the following people: Simone Biles – ADHD Richard Branson – Dyslexia Warwick Davies – Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita Naoki Higashida – Non verbal Autism Matt Lucas – Alopecia Jono Lancaster – Treacher Collins Syndrome Both lessons are based on the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum. We will have a variety of writing tasks after having whole class discussions, the tasks will cover real life situations where writing will be needed. All work will be marked with feedback and 1-1 follow up where extra practise is required. As with Maths, we are expecting them to be able to use their English skills in the real world and in real life situations. Until they reach the required level they will have 5 spellings to learn each week, these are different for everyone and are taken from their phonics assessments. They will all read 1-1 with an adult each week. If needed they will have 1-1 phonics sessions daily. There will stories read to the whole class at the end of each day. Listen for the gist of short explanations and listen for detail using key words to extract some information – if you are explaining something ask them to tell you what they have heard and understood, ask them to explain details of things they have heard e.g. news items on TV Read and recognise simple sentence structures Use illustrations and captions to locate information Decipher unfamiliar words and predict meaning – practise reading in real life situations, look for the exit signs, read road signs, identify shops, look at prices and key words when shopping. Scan texts to locate information Use punctuation and capitalisation to aid understanding – practise reading at every opportunity in the outside world. Make requests and ask questions to obtain specific information – encourage them to ask for help in shops, to talk to other people to gain information.
Touch Typing & SpellingWe are continuing with our online course Touch-Type read and spell. TTRS is multisensory course that teaches touch typing to help students improve their reading and spelling skills. They are working through the course at their own pace revisiting modules as needed. They will each have a laptop in class available for use in most lessons. As they learn to touch type, they will be learning/revising spellings, which get progressively harder throughout the course. They are welcome to work on this at home and have log in details in the front of their diaries. They have to score 90% or more on each level before moving on to the next one. During this lesson some students will be learning driving theory, this is open to all students and it will be their choice whether they wish to take advantage of this. Opportunities to use touch typing in a keyboard. Looking at the spelling of new words when out and about. Help write a shopping list at home. Point out driving signs and symbols when out, discuss the rules of the road when driving together.
ArtWe are focusing on the Natural World using natural materials to create original art. We will be weaving, making natural painting utensils. We will look at botanical paintings with water colour and the work of Christa Rijneveled imitating her abstract mountain paintings. We will make clay pots with natural clay and make our own paper clay. Lastly we will draw insects and form them from paper clay. We are still trying to include detail into our art work whilst also focusing on techniques Take opportunities to look at artists and their work – not just paintings also sculptures including outdoors. Look for detail
PSHE We will recap on Internet, social media and personal safety twice during the term. This will include Netiquette and posting online guidelines. We will be recapping all aspects of sex education, specifically addressing questions which have been submitted by the students. This will include: Relationships and gay sex Sanitary protection including tampons Condoms How a baby is made Erections Personal hygiene Myths and truths about sex Drugs and alcohol Please contact me if you have any concerns about any aspects of the PSHE lessons. Opportunities to recognise when they have a problem and how they can talk to you about it Opportunities to discuss the topics covered in class. Personal hygiene – please encourage them at home to shower/bath and change their clothes regularly as we will be discussing this at length. Healthy eating – we will be encouraging this and discussing daily.
Independent Living SkillsWe are continuing with our Asdan course which will cover many aspects of independent living skills. These lessons will cover topics which they will find useful in later life if they are not needed immediately. We will be looking at health & well being including drugs, legal and illegal, keeping fit, ways to exercise, local facilities, cooking on a budget, meal planning, costings & comparisons This lesson is fortnightly as we have an upper school assembly on alternate weeks. Take opportunities to introduce real life events and activities such as getting involved in paying bills, looking for jobs in places you visit, pointing out opportunities for the future and encouraging positive expectations.
CareersWork experience will offered individually including working at The Den, The Patch, Felbrigg Hall and The Lighthouse caféUse opportunities to talk about appropriate behaviours in the workplace.
Foodwise taught by Tracey Davies & Life Skills Cooking ASDAN - Food wise We will be looking at cooking for entertaining using vegetables in different ways and then the food industry We plan to cook the following: Carrot muffins Beetroot brownies Lemon drizzle cake Banoffee traybake Cornbread muffins Hidden veggie cookies Potato cake Pumpkin scones Fresh fruit cookies The last two weeks of term they will be able to choose what they make, this is something they have enjoyed previously and have asked to do it again. There will be variations for those with food allergies. If you are lucky, they will bring their cooking home each week but often they choose to eat it at school. Please let me know if you prefer them not to eat it at school. As much independent work in the kitchen at home as possible. Engaging in discussions at home when planning meals, encouraging suggestions from them. Access to recipe books. Reflect on popular family meals and discussion of how healthy each meal is.
AsdanASDAN PDP & CoPE Red group will be continuing the Personal development programme aiming to complete the bronze award this year. They will be completing challenges in the environment, science & technology, work experience, communication and numeracy this term. They will be learning new practical skills and putting into practice their functional literacy & numeracy skills whilst learning about real life situations. They will also complete challenges individually if they are able to do so. Green group will work at their own pace choosing challenges from their Asdan books towards their silver award. They have to pick challenges from each section in turn so over the year will be covering all subjects in practical contexts. All students in these groups work towards an award at their own level. For these students the course will continue over the next year. Opportunities to talk about different harmful effects that people can have on their own environment. Talking at home about how people live in other countries. Any opportunity to practise life skills such as using the phone, choosing and buying food independently, comparing prices, looking at best value and special offers
Work Related Learning Enterprise Activities Craft enterprise We will be completing swimming bags to use on the residential, we will be using recycled groundsheets and denim. We will also be making paracord bracelets As always we will sell to parents in the first instance and then in Woodfields Den. We will discuss the reasons for making craft items – to raise money for our next residential trip. How much do these cost to make? How much can we sell them for? How many people will want them? We will look at safety issues when using craft equipment. Money raised from the sale of these will go towards the residential trip this year. If you have any unwanted fabric or other craft items we would be very grateful if you would send it in Any opportunities to take part in craft activities which result in a saleable item Any ideas for fundraising
P.E. (Taught by Jason Tooke) This half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these.