SEN Information Report for Sheringham Woodfields School 2023-2024

Part of the Norfolk Local Offer for Learners with SEN


At Sheringham Woodfields School we are committed to working together with all members of our school community to provide the best opportunities for our pupils.

Our aim is that all pupils

  • achieve their best
  • become confident individuals living fulfilling lives as independently as possible
  • make a successful transition into adulthood

How we identify SEN

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.  A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if they:

Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age.


Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

All our pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan which clearly details their special education needs, approaches to meeting these needs and required provision.

The Needs of our pupils

Our pupils have a wide range of needs including:

Sensory and/or physical needs

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

Cognition and learning

Communication and interaction

Many pupils have needs in more than one of these areas.

Parent involvement in your child’s education

The success of our pupils relies on strong links between school staff, governors, pupils, parents/carers and other professionals.

Parents/carers have the opportunity to consult:

  • On a daily basis via home school books
  • At any time by making an appointment with the relevant member of staff
  • At parent/teacher interviews twice a year
  • Annually at the EHCP reviews

We also offer a number of parent information events enabling parents to meet with other local providers of services to children and young adults with SEN who form part of the Norfolk Local Offer.

Pupil’s involvement in their education

Pupils have the opportunity to consult about their education through:

  • Individual tutorial work
  • Giving their views for EHCP Annual reviews and where appropriate attending.
  • During Personal, Social and Health Education lessons.
  • Through Pupil Voice Day.
  • Attending taster days and transition events at post 19 providers.

The EHCP annual review

The annual review will give the opportunity for parents, carers,  pupils, teachers and other professionals to review the child’ needs, progress over the year towards previously identified outcomes, to identify ones for the future and to plan who and what will need to happen to achieve success.

We offer face to face meetings, conference calls or video calls.

Approaches to teaching to meet pupils’ needs

Because we have a very mixed intake of pupils we do not organise classes by year but by grouping pupils together to create suitable social and academic cohorts with similar approaches to learning. This is highly personalised and teachers will use a wide range of strategies to enable pupils to access to the curriculum, this might include using:

  • Visual timetables
  • Writing frames
  • I-pads, lap tops or other alternative recording devices
  • Positive behaviour rewards system
  • Work stations
  • Work/rest systems
  • Signalong
  • Symbol based communication programmes
  • Voice output devices such as BIGmack, Ipad with Proloquo2go.
  • Switch operated equipment
  • Intensive interaction
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Rebound Therapy
  • Sensory Motor programmes and other Sensory enrichment activities
  • Intervenors
  • Objects of reference
  • Body Signing
  • Sensory approaches
  • Access to a counsellor
  • Educational Visits
  • Use of Social Stories
  • E Tran frames
  • Eye gaze technology
  • Fun and enjoyment

For some pupils where funding is available we can additionally add:

  • Sensory Integration
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Talking Therapy with Benjamin foundation “Time for you” service
  • Therapeutic Play

As the school has grown to 157 pupils from its build capacity of 90, pressure on specialist rooms and hence therapy is high.

Hydrotherapy is a warm water provision which is different to a swimming pool and though many pupils enjoy the pool we have had to prioritise its use based on health priorities using the following guide produced with health professionals.

1. Non-mobile pupils would benefit from 2 swims a week

2. Mobile pupils with some physical need would benefit from 1 swim per week

3. Provision for fully mobile pupils is not essential from a Physiotherapy perspective.

A curriculum to meet pupils’ needs

Our curriculum is designed to promote learning and to prepare pupils for the next steps in their lives. Where possible we follow the National Curriculum but adapt it to remain challenging, fun and relevant to our pupils. At all ages there is an emphasis on enabling pupils to be as independent as possible and so much of the learning takes place in practical ways such as cooking, shopping or in the community.

We view Personal, Social and Health Education as a core subject along with English and Maths.

High quality Early Years and KS1 Education makes a positive contribution to children’s early development, enabling them to build on this foundation throughout their lives, so providing a sound basis for lifelong learning.  Pupils follow a topic themed approach which allows for child initiated learning.

Primary age pupils follow the National Curriculum which is delivered using a topic or thematic based approach. There will be a large emphasis on their literacy, numeracy, communication, personal and social skills. They will have regular opportunity to learn in the community including shopping, swimming lessons at The Reef in Sheringham and The Patch smallholding.

Secondary aged pupils study the National Curriculum with an even greater emphasis on developing independence skills. Some learning will be subject based as well as through themed days and project work across the curriculum.  Learning in the community will include swimming or gym sessions at The Reef in Sheringham, shopping, The Patch and our charity shop Woodfields Den as well as regular educational visits.

Pupils aged 14-19 follow courses that are recognised nationally and for which they receive external accreditation for their achievements.  We work in partnership with other providers and employers to offer a wide range of courses, to ensure choice and challenge including vocational learning and work experience.

Regular work experience takes place at:

  • Woodfields Den
  • Sheringham Youth Hostel
  • Lighthouse café

We use the ASDAN Transition Challenge or Towards Independence programmes for pupils at Key Stage 4/5.

This programme of topic based challenges is underpinned by the National Curriculum and gives students opportunity to receive external accreditation for their work at an appropriate level. In some years we have pupils who will follow Certificate of Personal effectiveness

Some pupils are able to take part in lessons at Sheringham Primary School through inclusion, this offers greater social contact with pupils of a similar age and to more specialised teaching and equipment.

Our more able pupils can take a range of examinations such as Entry Level Certificates.

The school is purpose built to meet the needs of pupils with SEN, it has spacious classrooms, automatic doors, height adjustable furniture, wide doors and corridors, well equipped hygiene rooms, ceiling hoists, teaching kitchen with adapted equipment to allow all to cook and excellent IT equipment from computers, Ipads, cameras and switch operated toys and equipment.

We have a sensory theatre, interactive floor system, ball pool, large range of soft play equipment and a hydrotherapy pool. 

The Fields Centre has a ground based trampoline for Rebound Therapy with ceiling hoists and a sensory enrichment space for which can meet Fidelity Index when working with a Sensory Integration therapist.

Outside there is a school garden, and separate playgrounds for primary and secondary pupils with accessible play equipment, bikes, trikes, sports equipment and games.

Measuring success

We continually monitor pupil progress in a number of ways.

Progress towards EHCP outcomes are recorded by staff termly and these are monitored by the SENCO. This can involve the child, parent/carers and other professionals. These are also reviewed formally at the annual EHCP review.

The school uses a range of assessment frameworks depending on the curriculum for each child, these include EYFS goals, engagement model, pre key stage assessment as well as accredited courses such as ASDAN

We ensure our standards of judgement by moderating work in school, with other Norfolk special schools.

In Early years we use the Stages measures of achievement.

We scrutinise the work and progress of pupils through the year to ensure that pupils’ learning is challenging, relevant and accessible and that they are making progress over time.

We also monitor the success of other provision in school such as rebound therapy, alternative communication methods, use of technology etc.

Equality of opportunity

Our approaches to learning, specialist equipment and staff training ensure that all pupils are able to engage fully in activities. The school has high expectations of what our pupils can do and are always looking to extend this.

Social and emotional aspects of learning

This is an important area of learning for our pupils if they are to achieve their best and be part of the community. Pupils learn these skills through:

  • Personal, Social and Health Education lessons
  • The inclusion of lunch and playtimes as part of the taught day where pupils are supported to learn and practise independence and social skills.
  • Staff modelling appropriate behaviour and using positive reinforcement to reward pupils when they get things right.
  • Small class sizes which enables pupils to feel confident in speaking out.
  • A large amount of learning in the community enabling pupils to learn appropriate social behaviours.
  • The Base, a comfortable dedicated area where pupils who are experiencing difficulties go for individual or small group work on social and emotional aspects of learning.
  • Targeted pupils have regular access to a Yoga Therapy or Counsellor to supplement approaches used in class.
  • High quality assessments of pupils’ social and emotional ability leading to design of intervention resources.
  • Wide range of class based resources to support social and emotional aspects of learning.
  • Liaison with outside agencies.

Working with other professionals

Working with other professionals is crucial in meeting the needs of our pupils. Most of these work directly with our staff so they can deliver programmes of support on a daily basis.

We have access to a number of other professionals, these include:

2 days per week of Speech and Language Therapy


Occupational Therapy

School Nurse

Community Paediatrician

Education Psychologist

Clinical Psychologist

Sensory Support

Access to Starfish and Starfish Plus team from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)


Epilepsy Nurse

Sensory Integration with an Occupational Therapist (for pupils who meet certain criteria)

Benjamin Foundation 2Time for you” service

Mental Health Support Team

If necessary we are able to call on more specialist advice if a need arises

Funding for SEN

We receive a fixed sum for each pupil at the school and in addition receive top up funds depending on the level of need of the pupil. There are also other sources of funds we are able to use with specific children, such as those that are looked after or in receipt of free school meals.

The school also is very successful at fundraising and applying for grants to supplement our income.

Preparing for the next steps

Preparing our pupils for the next stages of their life is hugely important.  This can be transition to a new class in school, having a new teacher, or moving on to another school, college, training provider or moving in to employment.  Sheringham Woodfields School is committed to working in partnership with children, families and other providers to ensure positive transitions occur.

Transition between year groups and classes involves a range of activities during the summer term so staff and pupils can work together.

Transition to future settings begins in year 9 as part of the EHCP Annual review. Pupils will investigate different settings from aged 16 onwards with consultation with parents/carers and other professionals a future place will be decided. During a pupil’s last 12 to 18 months regular visits will take place to the new setting, including visits from their staff to Sheringham Woodfields.  

When necessary some pupils will attend their new setting part time before leaving us.

The school has a Transition Coordinator (Natasha Patterson) to ensure pupils and families are fully supported in this often worrying time who now links with the Preparing for Adult Life Team.

Have your say

The success of our pupils relies on strong links between school staff, Governors, pupils, parents/carers and other professionals.

We continually develop our practice to improve outcomes for our pupils and welcome suggestions from these groups to enhance our provision.

If you have any questions about our contribution to the Norfolk Local Offer please contact:

Nicola Stewart, SENCO

Annette Maconochie, Head Teacher

For more information visit the Norfolk Local Offer website.

Our SEN Information will be reviewed and updated annually

Useful links

Norfolk County Council SEN pages  

Parent Partnership