Welcome to Turtles

Teacher Claire Carnall
Photo of Claire Carnall

Turtles class has 12 fantastic children who are all in Key Stage 2. Each day we have a teacher and four adults who support us with our learning.

Our focus in Turtles Class is independence. We are learning to do things for ourselves and by ourselves including personal care skills, cooking, and jobs as well as reading and writing. We are also learning to identify and communicate our emotions and begin to find appropriate strategies to deal with those which affect us . We have wonderful friendships and are always welcoming to new people who visit us.

Turtles Summer term 2 timetable 23/24

Term: Summer Term 2 23/24Curriculum Info for parents
SubjectSchool learningIdeas for home learning
Phonics and ReadingTurtles class will have daily Phonics. We will use Twinkl Phonics to help us read and write new sounds and words. We will read books matched to our Phonics levels each week. We will visit the Library each week to read books that interest us and have the opportunity to check books out and bring them home. Sounds and words taught each week will be sent home for pupils to practise at home. Please return library books each Friday to be changed at school Friday afternoon.
English In English this term we will be learning about Fantasy stories. We will watch the original Peter Pan film to immerse us in fantasy stories. We will then spend time describing characters and settings before planning, writing and creating our very own fantasy story!Do you have any fantasy films you could watch? Here are some recommendations: Narnia, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, Into the Woods.
Maths In Maths we will be continue working through our scheme of ‘White Rose Maths’. Our learning this term will be around Time. We will explore the concepts of before/after, first/next/then. We will sequence events in our day and talk about daily routines. We will then learn about seconds, minutes and hours before learning about time to the hour and half past with the use of our clocks. Our Maths lessons will be very practical with lots of opportunity for concrete and pictorial learning. You can continue our learning about time at home by looking at where you can see the time. Have a look around your house for clocks. Can you find the time on your grown-ups phones or your iPad?
PSHEThis half term in PSHE we will be learning about staying safe outside. As the weather is getting warmer and sunnier we will be focusing on staying safe outside in the sun. We will discuss sun safety and how we can protect ourselves. We will make sun safety posters and put our learning into practice during outside times. We will also be learning how to stay safe outside ready for our trip. Make sure you have your sun cream to hand when you go out with your family.
Science In Science this half term we will be learning about animals. We will spend time looking at library books about animals and discuss which animal is our favourite. We will then describe and compare different animals from the different animal groups. We will be learning about domestic pets, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish. Do you have any pets? If you do we would love to see some photos of them. See if you can visit a farm with your family.
ComputingIn Computing this half term we will be creating posters, powerpoints and word documents about our favourite topics. Computing will be taught by Jason on Friday. Explore the different forms of ICT in your house. Can you communicate using them in different ways? Can you send a text or email? Make sure you have adults to supervise when using technology to communicate with others.
Humanities - HistoryOur humanities learning this half term will be a History topic. We will be learning about the Tudors. We will explore the Tudor family and specifically learn some facts about Henry the eighth. We will learn about what they ate in Tudor times and then make our own Tudor menu. We will end the topic by having a dress up Tudor day! Have a look in the school library for any books on Tudors. You can take them home to share your learning with your family.
P.E. In P.E. we will be doing ball skills, focusing on direction and scoring accuracy when hit with a piece of equipment. We will learn the rules of different games before working on our skills to score. We shall be using rounders bats and cricket bats, Also looking at fielding in the games. P.E. will be taught by Jason on a Friday. Can you teach your grown ups some of the games we have done in P.E.? Do you have any balls that you can play scoring games with?
ArtIn Art this half term we will be learning about treasure islands. We will look at pictures of fantasy islands and link this to our English topic. We will then make our own treasure maps and stain them with tea. We will then make models of treasure islands using different art equipment. Can you make your own treasure map at home? Use tea bags to stain the map.
R.E.In R.E. this term our focus will be around Christianity. We do a morning of R.E. at the end of term about this topic. We will learn about how Christians live their life, specifically what they eat, wear and where they worship. Tell your family about something you have learnt about our topic of Christianity.
D.TIn D.T. this term we be learning about Shelters. We will research what types of Shelters there are (houses, tents, bus shelters, caravans) and talk about if we have used any before. We will then test different materials for shelters and then create our own bug house shelter. See if you can make your own shelter for animals in your garden or at the park.