Welcome to Beech

Teacher - Oak Colin Heinink
Photo of Colin Heinink

Welcome to Beech class!

Beech is a class of 10 students with diverse needs and abilities. They are supported by five members of staff. We use a total communication approach; this includes SingAlong, symbols and verbal, to communicate our wishes, needs, feelings and knowledge.
We follow a broad curriculum which consists of formal learning in a wide range of subjects (English, Maths, Science, PSHE, Art, Computing, DT, Humanities, MFL, Music, PE) alongside an informal curriculum which includes various therapies (hydro, music, sensory) and support around our EHCP outcomes.
We also follow a PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) curriculum, which encourages independence and competency in a wide range of life skills. This is supported by our weekly visits to the Patch and our regular visits around the local community.
All class activities are differentiated and tailored to meet individual needs and interests, meaning the pupils are happy to learn, they have lots of fun and allows them to readily build their confidence in many areas.


Beech TimeTable – Spring term 2 – 24/25

Curriculum Information for Parents. Spring Term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsOur next topic in Maths is length. We will be measuring using different units and equipments. We will also be looking at measuring in the context of real life problems. Measuring items at home using rulers and tape measures. Considering wider distance using miles and kilometres when travelling. Use the Numbots app/website.
English In English this half term we will be looking at ‘Our World.’ As in other units we will look at the subject through different genres: descriptive fiction and poetry as well as non fiction. We are beginning by looking at the adventurous language in poetry to then use in our stories. Researching differet continents through books and the internet. Practise using thesauruses or thesaurus websites to increase out vocabulary.
ArtIn Art we are using Tints and Shades. We will begin by looking at primary colour wheels before moving on to looking at secondary and tertiary colour wheels. We will then create paintings related to the seasons and feelings by adding white and black to lighten and darken. Paint at home, experimenting mixing colours. Look at colour charts when in DIY shops. Research some of our focus artists like Matisse and Klee using books and the internet.
PSHE In PSHE we are learning about diversity. Each week we will consider a different aspect of diversity and create posters related to this. We will also share stories, songs and newspaper articles. We will discuss our own experiences and opinions and celebrate our similarities and differences. Share stories related to diversity. Highlight items in the news that relate to diversity. Chatting about similarities and differences between people, such as in families.
HistoryThe History topic is Roman Britain. We will be researching different aspects of the period using the Internet. We will then present them as newspaper reports. Watching ‘Horrible Histories.’ Reading non fiction books. Drawing attention to examples of how the Romans left a lasting legacy on the UK such as roads, hygiene etc.
Library Our focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure.Enjoy reading and browsing books with you child just for pleasure. Have books and magazines around the house, if possible make reading and listening to stories part of your usual routine.
MFLWe will look at the language, culture and cuisine of China.Researching on the internet and in books. Eating some traditional Chinese food and describing it.
ComputingIn Computing we will continue to looking at painting. We will become confident with the different tools in Microsoft Paint. We will mimic further artistic styles using these tools.Practise using Microsoft Paint and other programs at home.
PEPE is collaborative and problem solving games alongside regular keeping fit activities and yoga. Yoga videos from Youtube such as Cosmic Kids.