Welcome to Turtles

Teacher Claire Carnall
Photo of Claire Carnall

Turtles class has 10 fantastic children who are all in Key Stage 2. Each day we have a teacher and four adults who support us with our learning.

Our focus in Turtles Class is independence. We are learning to do things for ourselves and by ourselves including personal care skills, cooking, and jobs as well as reading and writing. We are also learning to identify and communicate our emotions and begin to find appropriate strategies to deal with those which affect us . We have wonderful friendships and are always welcoming to new people who visit us.

Turtles timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25

Term: Spring term 2 24/25Curriculum Info for parents
SubjectSchool learningIdeas for home learning
Phonics and ReadingTurtles class will have daily Phonics using Twinkl Phonics to help us read and write new sounds and words. We will read books matched to our Phonics levels each week. We will visit the Library each week to read books that interest us and have the opportunity to check books out and bring them home. Sounds and words taught each week will be sent home for pupils to practise at home. Please return library books each Friday to be changed at school Friday afternoon.
English In English this half term we will be learning about play scripts. We will read and listen to different play scripts before innovating one ourselves. We will change characters and storylines within the script before making props and presenting our new show. Can you find any shows to go and see with your family?
Maths In Maths we use our scheme of ‘White Rose Maths’. Our learning this term will be learning about place value and then move onto learning about money. We will recap our numbers, formation and amounts within 20 before using this knowledge to learn about the value of coins. We will then complete some role play around money/shops. We will explore the value of coins and notes and work on addition/subtraction skills through this. Can you take some money to the shop and buy something with it? Can you count your money that you have left over?
PSHE/Personal development. This half term in PSHE we will be learning about appropriate and not appropriate behaviour, greetings and touch. We will be discussing what behaviours are safe and right to do and which are not. This will also lead onto discussions about stranger danger/stranger’s behaviour. Have a chat with your family about what is appropriate at home and school.
Science In Science this half term we will be learning about Light. We will explore how light travels and where light comes from. We will explore different forms of light and sort them into natural and artificial light. Can you count the different forms of light that you have in your house?
GeographyIn Geography this half term our topic will be farming. We will learn about a farm and the different human and physical features of a farm. We will explore the different jobs on a farm and have a go at doing some of these at the patch every Tuesday. Do you have any pets that you can help look after? Have you ever visited a farm?
Art In Art we are going to be learning about coiled art. We will explore different art forms and then have a go at different skills such as clay coiling, snail art and painting. We will make something new each week.Can you create a picture showing some coil designs?
Computing and P.E.Computing and P.E. will be taught by Jason on a Wednesday morning while Claire is out on PPA. In Computing we will be creating posters using words and images on different technology devices. In P.E. we will be playing football. Looking at basic football skills Complete some weekly exercise at home to stay fit and healthy.
DanceTurtles class will have dance with Lauren every Friday morning! Show your family some of the dance moves each week