Welcome to Maple

Teacher - Maple Heather Saunders
Photo of Heather Saunders

Maple is one of two classes in the sixth form which is based in the Annexe within Sheringham High School.

We are challenging our students to find their own way in the real world. They are using the knowledge they gained and skills they learned through the school to problem solve in real life situations and to prepare for the next step in their lives.
Staff will advise and give choices then allow the students to work things out for themselves, they help each other and are encouraged to ask for help in order for them to become as independent as possible.
We currently have  7 boys and 5 girls. You might think this means it is a quiet class but in fact everyone is chatty, cheerful and confident which means we have lots of fun, you will always hear a lot of laughter as we work hard together.
Come and see us – we’ll make you a cup of tea.


Maple Class Pupil timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25

Curriculum Information for parentsSpring Term 2 24/25
SubjectIn schoolAt home
MathsGroups 1 & 2 will cover multiply, length, mass, capacity Group 3 will cover multiply, length, fractions, decimals Group 4 will cover multiply, divide, decimals, perimeter Relate familiar events to times of the day, seasons, days of the week – discuss what you might be doing at the weekend. Use opportunities to tell the time especially using analogue clock face.
English Each week we will be looking at different genres of poetry. We will look at rhyming and play poetry games. We will also be learning some poems, reading them aloud and performing them. Use illustrations and captions to locate information. Practise reading in real life situations: look for the exit signs, read road signs, identify shops, look at prices and key words when shopping.
PD/PfALWe will cover: Business Enterprise, local and national businesses. Budgeting in business and making comparisons. Personal hygiene – please encourage them at home to shower/bath and change their clothes regularly as we will be discussing this at length. Healthy eating – we will be encouraging this and discussing daily.
Asdan Personal Development ProgrammeThey will be completing challenges in Our Environment, Beliefs and Values, lifeskills, sport & leisure and home safety this term. They will be learning new problem solving skills and complete work independently Any opportunity to practise life skills such as using the phone, choosing and buying food independently, comparing prices, looking at best value and special offers
TITANTravel independence training across Norfolk. We are following a curriculum set by Norfolk County County Council which supports young people with disabilities to become independent travellers where appropriate. When using public transport encourage them to take the lead in planning and taking the bus or train. Point out timetables, bus stops, where to find information.
ArtWe will be exploring The Human Body including pet portraiture, using a range of media including oils and watercolours. We are also exploring photographyTake opportunities to look at artists and their work – not just paintings also sculptures including outdoors. Look for detail
Lifeskills CookingWe will cook: lemon drizzle cake, bread rolls, pizza pinwheels, Apple hand pies, sweet pizza, cinnamon rolls and chocolate bread rollsAs much independent work in the kitchen at home as possible. Please send in a container to take their cooking home in.
Internet SafetyWe will also be mixing with Sycamore class to cover Internet Safety every week at appropriate levels for each pupil. Discussing appropriate use of the internet at home, looking at which apps they are using. Discussing the amount of time spent on the internet.
TTRS/ Driving TheoryTTRS is multisensory course that teaches touch typing to help students improve their reading and spelling skills. They will be able to work through the course at their own pace revisiting modules as needed. Opportunities to use touch typing in a keyboard. Looking at the spelling of new words when out and about. Help write a shopping list at home. Point out driving signs and symbols when out, discuss the rules of the road when driving together.
Independent Living SkillsTake opportunities to introduce real life events and activities such as getting involved in paying bills, looking for jobs in places you visit, pointing out opportunities for the future and encouraging positive expectations.
P.E. Tri-golf: learning basic golf skills including foot positioning, chipping and putting.Use opportunities to exercise at home. Going for a walk. Using stairs rather than lifts and escalators.