Welcome to Sycamore

Teacher - Governor Jacob Millin

Appointed 19/10/2020

Photo of Jacob Millin

Sycamore is part of the Sixth Form Unit. We aim to develop our independence, communication, numeracy and life skills, during our time in Sycamore.

As we work towards transitioning into our adult lives and onto our next steps. We constantly develop our communication skills. We aim to communicate effectively with our peers and other members of our community. We access the community for shopping, swimming and café trips. We also visit transition venues to get a feel of the environments we will be moving onto when we leave sixth form and SWS. We communicate our preferences through signs, symbols and body language and gestures. As a class, we are undertaking various projects throughout this school year.  Throughout this year we will be completing projects at the patch, the new reef swimming complex in Sheringham and accessing the local community to practice are shopping skills.
We  are always encouraged and supported to reach our potential and be happy and enjoy our time at school.

Sycamore Autumn 2

Curriculum Information for parentsSpring Term 1 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
Personal Development/PfAL
TITAN Travel Training
Kitchen Skills