Welcome to Sycamore

Teacher - Governor Jacob Millin

Appointed 19/10/2020

Photo of Jacob Millin

Sycamore is part of the Sixth Form Unit. We aim to develop our independence, communication, numeracy and life skills, during our time in Sycamore.

As we work towards transitioning into our adult lives and onto our next steps. We constantly develop our communication skills. We aim to communicate effectively with our peers and other members of our community. We access the community for shopping, swimming and café trips. We also visit transition venues to get a feel of the environments we will be moving onto when we leave sixth form and SWS. We communicate our preferences through signs, symbols and body language and gestures. As a class, we are undertaking various projects throughout this school year.  Throughout this year we will be completing projects at the patch, the new reef swimming complex in Sheringham and accessing the local community to practice are shopping skills.
We  are always encouraged and supported to reach our potential and be happy and enjoy our time at school.

Sycamore timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25

Curriculum Information for parentsSpring Term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
EnglishThis half term we will be focusing on ‘Our World’. We will explore naturally occurring events and topical issues that are happening around the world. The aims of this hope to broaden the knowledge and understanding we have and the impact such events can have on others. This links with building a strong moral compass for and encouraging them to be confident global citizens.‘Newsround’ is quick and accessible show that can be watched online. Try to encourage your child to watch this several times a week and discuss their thoughts with you. This will help with classroom discussions.
MathsPupils will explore measurement this half term, including converting from one to another and selecting the appropriate unit of measurement for a specific task. They will also focus on solving word based problems, which aims to assess their understanding in a real life context.Estimating games are a great way to practise understanding of measurement, such as “how long do you think this table is?” or, “How many miles do you think it is from home to _______”.
Personal Development/PfALRespecting differences will be our focus in this area. This will include explorations of stereotypes, peer pressure, bullying and prejudice. We will also continue to discuss online safety as part of our continued effort to promote a safe use of a range of apps. If you feel able to, discuss with your child how they feel about their use of the internet. Is there any aspect that they feel unsure about? We can discuss this in school if you write it in their diary.
Kitchen SkillsPupils will continue to explore healthy eating this half term, along with learning safe hygiene and food handling in our Teaching Kitchen. Pupils will plan, buy and make a recipe each week, which will be turned into our very own Sycamore Cook Book. What are your favourite family meals at home, do you have a recipe? If so, send it in and we can consider making it.
ComputingThis half term we will be using our ICT skills to capture photographs in our local area. Pupils will learn how to capture photos using a range of equipment, using Jason’s expertise in this field. This will link in with our English topic of ‘Our World’. In addition, we will also return to exploring data collection and expand our knowledge of analysing and sorting information. Look at a range of photos that you see online, in magazines and posters. What makes these photos stand out? Is it the lighting, colours, subject, size?
ArtThis half term, pupils will be continuing with their use of tints and shades in order to make existing colours lighter and darker. With the understanding of this process, pupils will have more of a free range to explore how to apply this in their artwork. If you are out and about, feel free to take a picture of a landscape that your child feels has elements of light and dark for us to have a look at and use as inspiration.
TITANPupils will attend regular walking trips in order to practise their road safety skills. This will be within Sheringham and aims to improve knowledge and confidence in becoming more independent in their personal safety. Explore road signs when you are out and about together. What do they mean? If you do not know, use the internet to find out.
PEPupils will continue to receive instruction in cricket skills this half term from our visiting professional Abi.Continue to look for ways to exercise on a regular basis. How many different 10 minute activities can you think of that you could do each day? Maybe invent one and name it!