Welcome to Shells

Teacher - Rowan Victoria Gotts
Photo of Victoria Gotts

Welcome to Shells!

We are a class of 6 energetic children and 6 adults who love to play!  We use total communication throughout the day and are learning how to express our needs and wishes.

We learn best through hands on experiences, including outside learning, finding out about food and sensory play.

We really enjoy the routine of our day,  and the individual sensory input that is so important to each of us.

Shells symbol timetable – Spring term 2 – 2025

Spring Term 2 24/25Topic: People Who Help Us
SessionClass Ideas
Communication & LiteracyOn a Thursday morning we will have a story in the sensory room – A Superhero Like You by Dr Ranj - using props and music to help tell the story. We will have a weekly session to work on Communication and Speech and Language Therapy goals. On a Friday we will visit the school library to enjoy a range of books and choose a new library book to take home.
Maths & Problem SolvingWe will be exploring different mathematical schema such as dabbing, pointing, matching, connecting and stacking, ordering and sequencing. We will also work on our cause and effect skills with the interactive screen, switches and iPads.
Personal DevelopmentWe will end our week with massage and relaxation. We will work on our social skills in the ball pool and classroom.
Physical DevelopmentSome children will have physiotherapy programs to follow. Some children will have weekly hydrotherapy and/or rebound therapy. In our weekly PE session in the hall we will be practising our ball skills, practising turn taking, throwing, catching, rolling and kicking. On a Monday afternoon we will be developing our fine motor skills doing dough disco with playdough.
Understanding the WorldThis half term we will be exploring toys and resources linked to our topics, such as dressing up outfits, fake teeth and toothbrushes and toy emergency vehicles. We are also hoping to arrange some visitors from some of our focus professions.
Expression and CreativityIn the sensory room on a Monday morning we will be joining in with a music session about People Who Help Us, including songs like Miss Polly Had a Dolly and 5 Little Firefighters. On a Thursday afternoon we will be creating art related to the topic.
Ideas for home* You could share books and listen to songs about People Who Help Us * You could play with a train set or toy police car/fire engine together * You could explore bandages and plasters with a favourite soft toy * You could make a post box to post letters into. Get a cardboard box and support your child to help decorate it red using paint or glue and red tissue paper. Once it’s dry, have fun posting letters and cards into it!
For our People Who Help Us topic we will be focusing on 3 different groups of people who help us, spending 2 weeks on each -Weeks beginning 24th Feb and 3rd March – Healthcare – Ambulance, Doctors, Dentists Weeks beginning 10th March and 17th March – Fire Service Weeks beginning 24th March and 31st March – Police