Welcome to Seals

Teacher Samantha Webster
Photo of Samantha Webster


Welcome to Seals Class!

‘Seals is a class of 9 pupils with diverse needs and abilities whom are supported by 6 members of staff, We follow a total communication approach, including symbols and signalong, to support the communication of our needs, choices and feelings.
Seals class take a holistic approach to learning by following a topic based curriculum, where each subject is tailored to the individuals learning needs, thriving on routine and consistency, this approach enables learning to be teacher-led as well as child initiated.
Class activities are differentiated for each individual, ensuring that they are engaging and motivating to the individual child. Pupils particularly enjoy activities that are ‘hands on’ which relate to everyday life skills and promoting independence.’

Seals timetable – Autumn 2



Spring Term 1 24/25: Topic: Curriculum Info for Parents -
Seal’s topic this half term will be exploring ‘Light’. Each week we will explore a new story related to our current topic. During each week we will engage in a number of activities that are topic related. Your child will be encouraged and supported to explore and engage in each of these activities at a level that meets their individual needs. The holistic approach to learning in Seals class will allow your child to progress at a pace that is suitable to their individual needs and abilities within a rich and enabling environment. Your child will regularly bring home information on their individual learning targets, individual targets may change in line with the topic, as and when experienced or consolidated. Each pupil will have individualised timetables to work alongside our class time table. Each individual timetable highlights targets taken from your child’s personal targets such as EHCPs, Sensory enrichment plans and communication plans. Your Son/Daughter’s individual timetables and current PLGs were sent home at the beginning of the term, if you have any questions or require an additional copy please do feel free to contact me. Please do feel free to explore individual targets at home, it would be great to hear about your child’s experiences via their home School book or EfL, here are the themes we will follow this half term, including key signs and stories of the week.
Curriculum AreaSubjects and ideas for home
Maths/Problem solving
Creative (Art, Craft and DT)
Exploration and investigation
Motor skills development
Personal development/PSHE
Things to try at home.