Welcome to Seahorses

Teacher Sarah Denton
Photo of Sarah Denton

Welcome to Seahorses Class!

Welcome to Seahorse Class!
We are a great class of 11 busy and enthusiastic children who are supported by
5 adults.
We like to learn in a variety of multi-sensory approaches and we build in a
variety of learning styles to help us learn and meet our individual needs.
In Seahorses we will be working on our communication skills and understanding
about following our class rules. We will also be developing our number, reading,
writing, Creative development, Understanding the World and PE skills.
We love achieving our goals and we share these throughout the day with our
peers and our teachers. In the afternoon we celebrate these achievements with
Golden time.


Seahorse timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25




Curriculum Information for parents: Spring term 2 24/25Topic: Great Explorers and Inventors
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsIn Maths we will be doing lots of different activities related to numbers. We will be learning about subitising and the composition of numbers. We will also be focusing on length and height. At home the children could do lots of different activities related to measurement e.g. which object is longer/shorter than the other. Can you measure yourself?
EnglishIn English we will be looking at non-fiction books and learning about different explorers and inventors. We will be learning about how to use non-fiction books and how they help us to retrieve information.At home you could look at different explorers and inventors and discuss how things have changed over time.
Science (Understanding the World) In Science we will be learning about everyday materials and comparing and grouping them to use in art or DT projects to become an ‘Inventor’. We will also be learning about child inventors e.g. Louis Braille invented the Braille alphabet at the age of 12. At home you could investigate different inventions or maybe design something yourself that may help other people.
PSHE and Citizenship (Led by Hannah W) (Understanding the World) In Personal, Social, Health and Emotional lessons the children will be learning to explore and reflect on how these great Inventors or Explorers might have felt when they made their first attempts. Did they succeed the first time? If not, how might they have felt? At home the children could talk about their feelings and how these can impact on our daily lives. Think of strategies to help the children cope with their different feelings.
Art / DT (Creative) In Art we will be learning about Line, texture and shape We will use ideas from different inventors/explorers to create different artistic pieces of work. The children can enjoy different types of artwork at home using different objects e.g. printing with lego.
PEIn PE we will be exploring agility, balance and coordination. We will do this using games, assault courses and being explorers going on adventuresPE is something that gets done at any time at home. Something as simple as going for a walk or dancing to their favourite music.
Humanities History In History we will be learning about famous inventors and explorers who had a significant impact on our lives in one way or another. The children could find out about Inventors and the impact they have had on their lives.
Music (Led by Hannah W) In music we will be learning about improvisation and compositionAt home, the children can listen to a variety of songs from different eras– How do they make them feel?
RE (Understanding the World) In RE we will be learning about Christianity. We will look at inspirational people related to Christianity.At home the children could find out about different festivals related to Christianity.
MFL (Understanding the world) In MFL we will be focussing on Language and Culture directly related to China and Japan. At home you can find pictures relating to China/Japan. Find out simple words used in these countries.