Subject | Profiles | Ideas for home |
English | We will be reading and learning to write poems and stories about Space. We will learn to gain information from the Literacy Shed and the library to inspire our ideas for writing. We will also be designing our own aliens for our stories.
We will continue 1:1 reading and selecting books to read for pleasure in our library session. We will be looking for books on our chosen animal to support our work in other lessons.
We will also continue to have daily phonics sessions.
| Do you have any space/alien books at home? Can you watch a space movie, e.g. Home, Monsters versus Aliens? What is your favourite planet? What does your favourite alien look like?
If possible, please continue to read at home with your child on a regular basis to develop confidence with books.
| We will be following the White Rose Maths scheme. We will be working on our number skills in three differentiated groups. The topics this half term will include learning about ‘Building on 9 & 10, Place Value within 20, and Multiplication & Division’. Each lesson pupils will complete a carousel of practical activities to support their learning in these areas. | Can you see any numbers around the house or when you are out and about? What can you count? Maybe the number of peas on your plate or the number of chairs in your house. Can you count in 2s, 5s, 10s, 4s, 8s and 9s?
Alternatively, have you used the Numbots app yet? Can you practise your number skills playing some great games?
PSHE and
| We will be looking at Budgeting . This will include discussing pocket money, spending and saving and planning for one of our trips. | At home discuss where money comes from to buy the things you need. When you go to pay for something how is it paid? If you get any pocket money will you save or spend it? |
Computing | In computing we will start by learning how to keep our personal information safe. Then we will be learning how to use Paint tools to create a planet for our alien to live on. We will be especially focusing on the shape tools to help us. | Do you have a tablet or computer at home? Does it have a paint app on it? Can you create a picture using the app? Perhaps of your planet and aliens? If you do not have a tablet/computer/paint app, can you draw it instead and bring it into school to do on the laptops? |
Music | We will be using the Charanga scheme this half term to support our learning. We will be learning to appraise, sing along and play along to Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds. We will also be learning to use our body to show rhythm in some warm up games. | What music do you like listening to? How does it make you feel? Listen to some of your favourite music. Can you move in time to the rhythm? Do your moves reflect the mood of the music? |
PE | We are going to be taking part in some cricket workshops provided by Norfolk Cricket. This will including learning how to throw, catch, bowl, hit the ball with a bat and field, as well as playing some fun games to support these skills. | Can you throw and catch a ball at home with your family? Can you play some ball games that involve throwing and/or catching? Can you throw a ball for your dog when out walking? |
Science | We will be looking at the position of the sun throughout the day, modelling this and creating our own sun dial. We will be using this information to think about why day and night length change throughout the year. We will also be looking at shadows and how these change. | Look at some awesome animations on Bitesize to support your understanding. Discuss how home; when is day length longer, Winter or Summer? How does this affect the activities you do during Winter and Summer? Which do you prefer? |
Understanding the World -Community Safety | This half term we will be learning about the importance of communication when travelling. This is invaluable in preparing everyday life, providing transferable skills to other areas of life too. We will be exploring different
forms of communication and learning to develop our speaking, listening and communication skills through
a range of activities and scenarios.
| When you are out and about look for different forms of communication. What signs can you see? What do they mean? Can you hear anything, e.g. beeping from zebra crossing? What do these sounds mean? Can you hear people talking? What are they saying? Which of the communications that you see/hear are there to help keep you safe? |
Understanding the World - Accessing and Living in the Wider World | Our focus for this half term will be looking at ‘Diverse Britain’. This will include learning about the various
groups and communities we belong to and ways in which we can contribute positively to these. We will learn about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment. We will also learn about Britain, what it means to be British, about diversity and the importance of celebrating and being respectful
of our differences
| Have a chat at home – which groups do you belong to? How do you support these groups, e.g. shopping for a grandparent, washing up at home. How are you respectful to people in your community, e.g. holding doors as people come through, saying thank you. How do you help look after the environment? Can you do something new to support this more, e.g. help with the recycling, buy things with less packaging? |
EHCP/PLGs | In this session we will be working on our EHCP targets. Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities to support their current PLGs (Personal Learning Goals). What will you choose to do; or play board/communication games with your peers or take part in our Puberty workshops? | Look at your current PLGs (please ask Miss S-B if you would like a copy of these to be sent home). Which ones could you work on at home? Do you need any resources to support you with this? Please ask the adults in class for anything that you may need. |
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| Our topic this term is ‘Physical Features’ and we will be looking at Coastal areas. We will be looking at maps of local coasts & identifying features that make them similar; how physical features can change due to erosion & deposition, and to look closer at rocks, pebbles & sand. | Consider taking a trip to one of the many local beaches (Sheringham, Cromer, Wells, Runton) to look at & explore what can be seen along the coast. Are they all the same? Are some more set up for tourists with shops, cafes & toilets than others? |
DT (led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be considering some kitchen skills that will be needed as we Prepare for Adult Living (PfAL). We will be looking at what is a snack and how to make one. We will also look at how to make a hot drink for ourselves. The emphasis will include hygiene and safety when working in the kitchen with food and drink. | When at home, look at the different types of snacks that you have. Are they quick to make? What is your favourite and why? Please let us know what it is.
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| This half term we will be learning some fun facts linked with China. The cultural experience will include some geography, music, art, customs etc. It will include trying to say some Chinese (Mandarin) words linked with greetings. We will also try copy writing some of these words. | When in the community look out for links with China, for example look out for some Chinese cars or food in the supermarket. Consider doing your own research on any Chinese City or province. |
(Religious Education)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be having a focused RE day linked with Hinduism on 08.01.25 We will have the opportunity to look at exploring rights & responsibilities in the Hindu Faith, in the light of the students own experience. It will include some role playing linked with responsible actions. and looking at Hindu artefacts. | What responsibilities do you have in your life? What do you feel about this? How do you feel when you are given responsibility? Consider doing your own research into the responsibilities that Hindus believe they have. |
(Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be having a focused SMSC day on 13.01.25. It is linked with Mahayana New Year which is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the beginning of the Buddhist New Year in the Mahayana tradtion. A time to reflect on the past year & to look ahead to the next. To share kindness & good wishes with others. Our day may include mindfulness, yoga deep breathing; sending cards or messages to friends & family & performing small acts of kindness | When at home or in the community consider performing small acts of kindness to each other. Some examples may include opening & holding the door open for others to pass through; laying the table for tea; helping with the washing up |
| We would love to hear about anything that you have done at home and celebrate this with the class. Please email any photos to Miss S-B (, or pop a note in the diary. | |