Subject | Profiles | Ideas for home |
English | We will be reading and learning to write poems and stories about Our World. Pupils will be encouraged to learn more about a country of their choice to support their writing.
We will continue 1:1 reading and selecting books to read for pleasure in our library session. We will be looking for books on our chosen animal to support our work in other lessons.
We will also continue to have daily phonics sessions.
| Have you been on holiday to a different country?If so, look back at the photos. What words would you use to describe that country? If you have not, which country would you like to visit? Find some photos of this country in a book or on the internet. Again, what words would you use to describe it?
If possible, please continue to read at home with your child on a regular basis to develop confidence with books.
| We will be following the White Rose Maths scheme. We will be working on our measuring skills; in particular length and height, and solving problems in this area. Each lesson pupils will complete a carousel of practical activities to support their learning in these areas. | Who is the tallest person in your family? The shortest? Can you find the longest chip on your plate? The shortest? Can you measure them? What will you use? Use the words longest and shortest when out and about. Think about how you may measure items, to check. |
PSHE and
| We will be learning about Diversity. We will be looking at diversity within school and the wider world, discussing disabilities and cultures, and learning to appreciate things from other’s points of view. We will be thinking about how we can be inclusive so everyone has the opportunity to be involved. | What do you notice about diversity in your home? Do different people within the household need different things. Discuss this with your family/carers. What about when you are out and about? How are people different? Does everyone have what they need? How could we help those that don’t? |
Computing | In computing we will start by learning how to keep ourselves safe. Then we will learning how to use spreadsheets to record and analyse data. We will carry out some surveys in school to collect our data on pupil’s heights, shoe size, age.
| What data can you collect at home? Can you measure everyone’s height? Or do a tally chart of shoe sizes. |
Art | We will be learning how to use tints and shades to enhance our artwork. We will be gaining inspiration from these famous artists; Magritte, Monet and Paul Klee. We will start off by creating primary, secondary and tertiary colour wheels. We will be learning what complimentary and harmonious colours are, alongside tints and shades, and using this knowledge to create our own images. | What colours do you spot in the house? Are they primary, secondary or tertiary colours? Do you notice different tints and shades of a colour? Which ones do you like best? |
PE | We are going to be taking part in some cricket workshops again this half term, provided by Norfolk Cricket. This will including learning how to throw, catch, bowl, hit the ball with a bat and field, as well as playing some fun games to support these skills. | Can you throw and catch a ball at home with your family? Can you play some ball games that involve throwing and/or catching? Can you throw a ball for your dog when out walking? |
Science | We will be looking at variation; including environment and inherited characteristics. What makes us all look the same? Why do we look different? We will be carrying out some surveys within school to look at similaries and differences in our peers. We will be learning to ask and investigate our own questions around this topic. | Look at some awesome animations on Bitesize to support your understanding. Look at members of the family – how do they look the same? And different? What has caused these differences? When you are out and about can you spot two animals of the same species? In what ways do they look similar? Different? |
Understanding the World -Community Safety | This half term we will be learning about the importance of personal health, safety and wellbeing when travelling. We will be looking at how we can take responsibility to look after our own health needs, our own belongings and to understand and manage our own feelings.
| When you are out and about think about how you can look after your own health (what do you need to take with you?), safety (can you recall the Green cross code?) and wellbeing. What will you do if you become anxious/worried about a situation? |
Understanding the World - Accessing and Living in the Wider World | Our focus for this half term will be looking at ‘One World’. We will be talking about special people in our lives and say why they are special; talking about different homes around the world and identify how they are the same as and different from our own, We will learn what natural resources are and identify how people use them, and say what they love about the world in which they live
and describe how they would feel if these things
| Can you think about the
special people in your lives. Draw a picture of them and
write a sentence to explain why they are special.
EHCP/PLGs | In this session we will be working on our EHCP targets. Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities to support their current PLGs (Personal Learning Goals). What will you choose to do; or play board/communication games with your peers or take part in our Puberty workshops? | Look at your current PLGs (please ask Miss S-B if you would like a copy of these to be sent home). Which ones could you work on at home? Do you need any resources to support you with this? Please ask the adults in class for anything that you may need. |
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| Our topic this ½ term is ‘The Romans’. We will be looking at a variety of aspects about Roman Life. It will include ‘invasion’ & ‘settlement’; what Roman Life was like & looking at a Roman soldier. | Consider undertaking your own research in this area. This could be via books, online or museum.
Would you have enjoyed living in Roman times?
DT (led by Nikki Wardell)
| The topic this ½ term is ‘The Right Combination’. We will be focusing on layered desserts such as trifle or cheesecake. During the designing and planning stages we will be considering what layers & flavours we think would work well. In the evaluation session we will be looking at what worked well & how we could improve it next time.
We will be continue with our kitchen skills that will be needed as we Prepare for Adult Living (PfAL).
| When out shopping look at food items that have layers. This could be triple layered sandwiches or desserts such as trifles and cheesecakes. Do they look appealing? Do you think the layer combinations work well? What is your favourite and why? Please let us know what it is.
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| This half term we will continue with the country China. The cultural experience will include some geography, music, art, customs etc. It will include trying to say some Chinese words linked with numbers. We will also try copy writing some Chinese words. | When in the community look out for links with China, for example look out for some Chinese cars or food in the supermarket. Consider doing your own research on any Chinese City or province. |
(Religious Education)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be having a focused RE day linked with Christianity. We will be looking at the Easter Story and linking it with Christian belief death & resurrection. To balance, we will also look at how people celebrate Easter, with some Christian symbolism, such as Hot Cross Buns, The Easter Rabbit & Easter Eggs. | Do you celebrate Easter? Do you celebrate with some traditional aspects? Perhaps you celebrate Easter in a more modern way. Please let us know if you have, and if it is linked with our topic. |