Welcome to Dolphins

Teacher - Dolphins Rebecca Gabriel
Photo of Rebecca Gabriel

Welcome to Dolphins Class!!


“Welcome to Dolphins Class! We are an energetic, happy class of 11 pupils and 7 adults. We learn through play and all learning is very much interlinked. We follow the pupil’s interests and aim to prove enriching, meaningful learning experiences every day.

We spend a lot of time exploring different therapies based on our pupil’s needs, for example, speech and language therapy, hydrotherapy, sensory enrichment, physiotherapy, and PECs Club.

We have lots of fun in Dolphins Class!”

Dolphins Visual timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25


Spring term 2 - 24/25 Topic: Space weeks 1-3 Spring weeks 4-6
SubjectCurriculum Info/Class Ideas
LiteracyPlease read with me, sing with me, highlight and point out logos and images I see regularly. This half term we will be looking at a variety of books and stories linked to our topics of space and spring. Some of the books for space are: Roaring Rockets, Aliens love Underpants, and Aliens in Underpants Save the World. And books about spring will be: Jasper’s Beanstalk, the Tiny Seed and the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will continue with our phonics sessions and our listening and attention activities. We will also be continuing our core vocabulary curriculum. We will see it, sign it, say it and find it on our core communication boards, whichever is most appropriate for each individual child. We will also continue to visit the library weekly and read with each child once a week.
MathsWe can look at the different shapes we can see around our home or find out which things are long, short, heavy, or light.We will be using the White Rose Maths programme and this half term we will be looking at shapes – circles, triangles and 4 sided shapes, and then we will move on to measuring and weighing. We will link our learning to our topics of space and spring including growing.
Personal DevelopmentWhen I am showing different emotions you can help label them for me “I think you are feeling happy, I can see your smile”. We will continue our class routines, with our Good Morning session, our singing and story times and our active moving sessions. We will continue Attention Autism sessions as this helps us with attending to all our other learning times. We will continue to play and explore alongside each other building our friendships in class.
The WorldWhen we are out and about let’s pause and look around, What can we see? Is it getting warmer? Are plants and flowers beginning to grow? Can we hear the birds? At night time what can we see? For the first 3 weeks we will be looking at Space – the planets, the moon, sun and stars and then our planet Earth. We will then move onto looking at spring and growing. We will end this half term by looking at Easter. We will be going into the school woodland area on a Wednesday afternoon in small groups, those that remain in the class will be joining in our spring explorer activities within the class. We will also make some rain gauges to see how much rain falls during the day/week. If you have any used clean plastic bottles from 500ml to 2l please could you send them into class for us to use for our project.
Expressive ArtsWe can explore different colours at home, going on a colour hunt or finding things that match. We can listen to different music, we may find something new!Art – we will make some paint splat planets, some sparkly stars and some spring flowers. Music – we will continue to practise starting and stopping playing as well as listen to music linked to planets and spring and think about how it makes us feel.
Physical DevelopmentI have lots of energy, but I also need to learn to rest. This can be tricky for me but music, deep pressure and gently rocking and rolling can help. We will continue to sing our circle songs as we are getting really good at doing these as a whole class. We will use the light footballs in PE learning to bounce, roll, catch and throw and we will continue to use the climbing apparatus to climb onto. We will have some relaxing music and use TacPac during the afternoons to help us relax and regulate as needed.