Welcome to Chestnut

Teacher Andrew Webb
Photo of Andrew Webb

Chestnut is a class of 11 active boys with a range of needs and abilities whom are supported by 5
members of staff, we use a total communication approach communicate our needs, choices and

Routine and consistency is important to us to help us reach our full potential each day. Chestnuts are
working on our writing, number and communication skills along with developing our skills and
knowledge in a range of subjects. We work hard every day and celebrate our work at the end of each
day with golden time.

Chestnut timetable – Spring term 2 – 24/25

Curriculum Info for Parents: Spring term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for Home
MathsAcross this half term, we are going to be looking at length, height, mass and volume in a variety of ways. We will practise measuring and comparing different heights, lengths, masses and volumes. We will explore lighter and heavier as well as the terms full and empty.At home, you could look at the different lengths or heights of things or look at what objects are heavier or lighter than others as discovering when something is full or empty. You could look at how tall you are and keep a track of how you grow.
EnglishEnglish will focus on animals and non-fiction instructions. We will look at and read different instruction booklets, practise writing and following different simple instructions by playing games such as Simon Says and practise our speaking and listening around different pets or our favourite animals. You can practise reading the instructions on how to cook different food packagings or how to play your favourite game. You might talk about the different steps around looking after a pet or explore different leaflets found when out.
Science (Understanding the World) Our science unit this half term is focused on sound. We will focus on our sense of hearing and explore the range of sounds that we can hear or make using different objects. We will explore sounds at different distances, making sounds louder or quieter before exploring vibrations and making a string telephone.At home you can discuss different sounds that you hear either within the house or when out and about. You can think about how to make different sounds louder or quieter depending on the intended use.
PSHE and Citizenship PSHE will see us explore our emotions and focus on recognising different emotions. We will look at naming different emotions and how we feel in different situations. We will discuss how it is okay to feel different emotions and look at strategies when we feel certain ways. Finally, we will look at giving reasons for our emotions.You can recognise your own emotions and explain to your children how you are feeling and give them a reason why. You can begin to extend the range of vocabulary used around feelings. Finally, you can talk about how it is okay to feel a range of emotions and think about how you deal with them.
Art and DT (Creative) In art, we will use fish as our stimulus to exploring texture, shape, patterns and colours. We will explore making fish out of a variety of mediums and think about how they differ to the previous one we have made. In DT, we will explore wind up mechanisms by exploring different toys and mechanisms. We will explore how they work before making our own. At home you could discuss the different patterns, textures, shapes and colours used in different art works or objects both around the house and when out and about. You can also explore winding mechanisms that you have at home: toys, games or other wind up tools or apparatus you may have.
PE (Led by Jason) PE this half term is focused on dance and will be a unit around slanted dance. The children will have a chance to explore movements, put together sequences and perform their routines to their peers. Provide opportunity be to mover and explore different moves to music; this could be individually or together. You could use the radio or pick different songs.
Humanities Geography (Understanding the world) Geography this half term will focus on The British Isles and the cultures off England, Scotland and Wales. Children will have the opportunity to explore the different places in The British Isles in a variety of ways. At home, you could discuss the different traditions that there are on The British Isles. You could possibly take part in some traditions such as trying haggis or having a tea party at home.
Music (Creative) Zoo Time is the title of our music unit this half term. We will listen to the song; learn to sing the song before putting different instruments to the beat of the song. The song is a reggae song written for children. At home, you could listen to some different reggae songs. You could also practise improvising by playing different instruments or using objects at home as instruments to play along to different songs.
RE (Understanding the world) Easter is our focus in RE; we will look at the Easter story as well as thinking about who or what inspires us the most. We will look at the work of different inspirational people and think about how thy have inspired us. We will link this to the Easter story and think about who was inspirational in the Easter story. You could talk about who inspires or has inspired you in the past and say why. You might discuss how you can be inspirational to other people. Finally, you might discuss the Easter story with your child and how it is inspiring.
MFL (Understanding the world) MFL this half term is going to be focused on Japan. It will be taught as an off time table day where the children will explore the language, food and culture of the country. They will learn basic phrases such as saying hello or good-bye. You may wish to explore Japan at home as well; this might be through videos, books or food. You may wish to learn some basic Japanese phrases and use these to greet each other each morning or evening,
Computing (Led by Jason) Computing will focus on moving pictures and text around a screen and creating different scenes. We will look at combining different images before becoming more precise with the placement of the images on the screen.At home, it is an opportunity to create different scenes, layer pictures and create more precise pictures and scenes.