Welcome to Chestnut

Teacher Andrew Webb
Photo of Andrew Webb

Chestnut is a class of 11 active boys with a range of needs and abilities whom are supported by 5
members of staff, we use a total communication approach communicate our needs, choices and

Routine and consistency is important to us to help us reach our full potential each day. Chestnuts are
working on our writing, number and communication skills along with developing our skills and
knowledge in a range of subjects. We work hard every day and celebrate our work at the end of each
day with golden time.

Chestnut Timetable – Autumn 2

Curriculum Info for Parents: Autumn Term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for Home
MathsIn maths we are going to move on to looking at addition and subtraction. We will start by looking at and using part whole models before moving on to number bonds within 10 and how we can use this to work out a wide range of number facts. Towards the end of the half term we will begin to look at shapes. Practise simple additions and subtraction at home- this could be when doing pack lunches or dinner and asking how many you would have if you added or subtracted some. Additionally you could encourage your child to log in and use numbots at home.
EnglishAll of our English work will be centred around poetry with a link into food. We will be looking at rhyming words as well as different types of poems. We will write both whole class and individual poems as well as listening to and performing poems individually and as part of a group. Discuss different rhyming words with your child or listen to different poems when you are out and about or while you get ready for school. Write different single word acrostic poems around what makes you happy or related to an activity.
Science (Understanding the World) Science this half term will consist of looking at different variations, including looking at teeth and how we keep them clean and oral hygiene. We will look at similarities and differences within species and look at camouflage, how it works and why it is so important. Finally, we will look at different teeth and how they are specific to each animal as well as looking at how we take care of our own teeth. Discuss oral hygiene with your child, practise brushing your teeth with your child or use different timers or teeth brushing songs found on youtube during the process. Discuss how different animals and plants have adapted to their environment and go on a scavenger hunt to find lots of different plants and animals.
PSHE and Citizenship PSHE this half term gives us the opportunity to have a look at healthy lifestyles, food, exercise and diet. Within this we will explore the different food groups and have a look at what makes a healthy diet, explore different diets such as vegetarian and vegan. Finally, we will discuss health and exercises, where, when and how we can exercise and how this all affects our mental wellbeing. You could plan out the week's meals all together, discuss which are healthy and which are not as healthy and how to make them healthier. You could go out for a walk or some exercise down to your local park. Take time out of each day to do some mindfulness or some yoga exercises and breathing altogether.
Art and DT (Creative) In Art we will be exploring clay by using a variety of different techniques to create a range of different clay products as well as using salt dough to create their own models. In DT we will be looking at eating healthy and food hygiene by creating a health snack and its packaging. At home you could look at a range of sculptures and statues that have been made or even make some salt dough and make your own creations. You could create some healthy snacks to eat as well as looking at the packaging of healthy snacks.
PE (Led by Jason) PE will be led by Jason and will be looking at linking different actions into a sequence. This will be linked to gymnastics and creating different sequences. Encourage your child to be active at home, this can include playing and running in the garden or going for a walk and playing in the park. Encourage your child to try and do different movements.
Humanities Geography (Understanding the world) In our geography lessons we will be looking at mapping skills and exploring different maps. We will then look at our local area and what changes we can make to improve the local area. We will look at physical and man made objects and how we can tell what they are as well as looking at coordinates and how to read them.Think about the area that you live in at home and what different man made and physical features there are around. Think about how you could improve your local area and what changes need to be made. Plan a simple treasure hunt in the garden using a map.
Music (Creative) In music we will look at playing music as part of a group. We will look at and explore a wide range of instruments and look at how they work both individually and as part of a group.Think about what household objects could make different sounds i.e drums on saucepans or using rice in a kitchen roll as a shaker. Discuss which sounds work well together and which don’t.
RE (Understanding the world) RE will focus on Christianity with links to Christmas and the Christmas story. We will discuss the different symbols and stories as well as beginning to sequence different events. Finally, we will learn about and contribute to different festive celebrations in school.Talk to your children about the Christmas story and other festive traditions. Possibly visit a local Christingle or other traditional event in your area. Start to sequence different events that relate to Christmas.
MFL (Understanding the world) Our MFL topic this term is Italy. We will spend a whole day exploring Italy learning about their culture, the country as well as learning to say and write some basic phrases such as saying hello, goodbye and how are you? While at home you could use simple greetings in Italian. You could explore some Italian foods or look at different pictures or videos of Italy and famous Italian places.
Computing (Led by Jason) Computing will focus on developing ideas and making things happen through controlling different devices such as beebots and tablets. We will also look at E-safety. Practice controlling different machines and objects at home such as ipads or phones. Talk to your child about how to stay safe online.