Welcome to Cedar

Teacher Grace Burton
Photo of Grace Burton

Welcome to Cedar Class

Cedar is a class of 11 active boys and girls aged 7 to 12, being supported by 6 staff. We use a total communication approach to communicate our needs, choices and feelings. Cedar covers an upper Key Stage 2 curriculum with focus on routines and consistently, this is important to help us reach our full potential. We use multi-sensory approaches to incorporate a variety of learning approaches in order to meet individual needs and help us learn.

Cedar class is working on reading, writing, number and communication along with developing our skills and knowledge in a range of foundation subjects and developing our personal, social and independence skills inside and outside of school.

We love to share our achievements throughout the day and celebrate during daily golden time.

Cedar Widgit timetable – Autumn 2


Curriculum Info: Autumn Term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsWe will be continuing to develop our number skills, identifying numerals, subitising and estimating numbers. We will be working on more and less in a variety of situations. We will begin exploring shapes and using these to make pictures to support our understanding. Continue to notice numbers and shapes within the environment, try collecting items from around the home which are triangles etc Try drawing around them or holding them in front of a mirror to see if they have any lines of symmetry.
EnglishWe will be exploring different traditional stories, fables, myths and legends from different cultures and celebrations from around the world. We will discuss stories and cultural differences. We will look at how stories begin and end, identifying different themes, sequencing key events and writing our group stories as a class and also using drama to develop our understanding.What is your favourite traditional story? Do you have any old books at home you would like to bring in and share? What stories did our parents and grandparents use to read when they were little?
Science In Science we will be exploring the heart and circulation, Food, exercise and staying healthy. We will be learning where our heart is and what it does inside our bodies. We will carry out activities to make our heart beats faster and to understand why blood needs to travel around our body. We will be taking part in a host of fun practical activities to support our learning. Create a food diary at home and work out if you are getting your 5 fruits and veg a day to support a healthy heart. Exercise 3 times per week for 20 minutes to get that heart rate pumping to keep it healthy.
PSHE and Citizenship We will develop our emotional literacy and practise strategies to support our emotional wellbeing and where appropriate, link to puberty. We will consider the physical and emotional changes that may be happening to our bodies as we grow older. We will continue our learning in outdoor real life experiences within the community to include basic road safety and community awareness while out shopping. Please feel free to communicate freely if there are any elements of PSHE that we can support your child with in school and at home which aims to ensure knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.
Art We will be designing and creating our own mythical creatures in a variety of ways. We will be exploring different images to gather ideas to support our design stage. We will be exploring how to create texture and different shapes with different materials including clay/ junk modelling and household items. Do you have any sculptures of models at home of monsters, ghouls, mythical creatures or anything similar that you would like to bring into school and share? Have you made something at home you are proud of and would like to share with your class?
ComputingWe will learn that words and pictures can be combined to convey information. We will be using the internet and consider internet safety. We will create a greetings card or poster by combining words and pictures. Try making a greetings card for a loved one, especially with Christmas on the horizon.
Humanities (Geography) (led by Nikki Wardell) We will be looking at a contrasting location in our Geography topic – North America. We will be using some simple map skills. Focusing on geographical structures we will look at Niagara Falls & volcanoes in Yellowstone Park. Complete your own research into an area of North America. This could be via books, online or personal experience. Suggestions include the ‘Smoky Mountains’ or ‘Grand Canyon’.
Music (led by Nikki W) (Creative) Students will be attending the Signalong Choir. This helps to enhance singing, listening, looking, signing, movement, turntaking participation & enjoyment. As Christmas draws closer there may be the opportunity to learn to sing & sign some Christmas Carols & songs If choir is cancelled we will be looking at the music topic ‘How Music is Used’. As Christmas draws closer, take the opportunity to listen to some traditional Christmas Carols and modern Christmas songs. Can you sing along to any of them? Which do you prefer?
PLG’s (Personal Learning Goals) (Led by Nikki Wardell) An opportunity to practise skills that are needed to achieve Personal Learning Goals. This short session gives the opportunity to work as a whole class, small group or as an individual to achieve EHCP targets that have been set at the Annual Review. Continue to look at the EHCP targets that were set at the most recent Annual Review. Are there any Personal Learning Goals that can be extended into the home / community environment. Please let us know how you get on.
MFL (Led by Nikki W) (Understanding the World) We will have a day continuing our link with Italy. It will include some simple facts and information. This will be followed by learning some Italian greetings and words We will listen to and try to copy. Our cultural experience will include looking at some Italian food and listening to a range of Italian music.When at home and in the community, see if you can find anything linked with Italy. For example, Italian football clubs, clothing or music