Welcome to Cedar

Teacher Grace Burton
Photo of Grace Burton

Welcome to Cedar Class

Cedar is a class of 11 active boys and girls aged 7 to 12, being supported by 6 staff. We use a total communication approach to communicate our needs, choices and feelings. Cedar covers an upper Key Stage 2 curriculum with focus on routines and consistently, this is important to help us reach our full potential. We use multi-sensory approaches to incorporate a variety of learning approaches in order to meet individual needs and help us learn.

Cedar class is working on reading, writing, number and communication along with developing our skills and knowledge in a range of foundation subjects and developing our personal, social and independence skills inside and outside of school.

We love to share our achievements throughout the day and celebrate during daily golden time.

Cedar Widgit timetable – Spring Term 1 – 24/25


Curriculum Info: Spring term 1 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsWe will continue to develop our understanding of number, using number lines, using language of estimation and rounding numbers to the nearest 10. We will consolidate understanding of numbers being made up of smaller numbers, and confidently talk about the parts we can see. Weekly shopping trips to continue. Continue to notice, read and recognise numbers within your home and different environments. • How many ways can you make…? • How can you show the same number in a different way? • What parts can you see? • What is the whole?
EnglishWe will be concentrating on writing to explain. This will incude an introduction into colourful semantics which supports to development of sentence structure. We will continue 1:1 reading and selecting books to read for pleasure in our library session. Try to extend you child’s key words into sentences and shower then in wonderful adjectives to expand vocabulary. Continue to read with your child on a regular basis to develop confidence with books.
Science In Science we will begin to recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago. We will consider the evolution of humans and how we have changed over time. Consider your family tree. Where do your ancestors come from? Do you look like your ancestors? Consider the hair and eye colour of your immediate family, are they all the same or different?
PSHE and Citizenship We will continue to develop our emotional literacy using a variety of theory based and practical activities. We will continue to extend our learning in outdoor real life experiences within the community to include basic road safety and community awareness. Please feel free to communicate freely if there are any elements of PSHE that we can support your child with in school and at home which aims to ensure knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.
Art We will be focussing on Piet Mondrian and developing our knowledge and skills of how to make, draw and use lines within our art work. We will learn to distinguish between horizontal and vertical lines. We will work on how to use a ruler in a variety of ways. We will explore Piet Mondrian’s work and recreate some aspects using different mediums. Do you have any art work at home that uses lines? Are they horizontal or vertical? Explore using a ruler at home, try drawing a series of lines and using colour. Notice lines in the community on road signs and posters.
ComputingWe will begin to explore different applications to create our own art work. We will be using the ipad independently and expanding our computing vocabulary inline with our art work. Expression of choices will be encouraged while learning how to create lines and add colour.Explore using technology at home. Can you recreate a picture from a favourite book or explore with the use of colour and lines to create a piece of art.
Humanities (History) (led by Nikki Wardell) Our history focus will be ‘The Victorians’. We will be exploring life as a Victorian. We will be using objects from the past to help compare life as a Victorian with life now.Research one or more famous Victorians – e.g. Florence Nightingale, Robert Louis Stevenson. Robert Peel, Grace Darling, Alexander Graham Bell Read the book or watch the film / musical Oliver Twist, set in Victorian Times
Music (led by Nikki W) (Creative) We will learn about ‘Rounds’ (such as London’s Burning). We will try to sing a simple round in 2 parts. We will be learning to sign some of the relevant words in the songs. There will also be the opportunity to attend Signalong choir during this session. Learn some simple songs that are classed as ‘rounds’ such as London’s Burning or Frere Jacques. Have fun singing them together & then as a round
PLG’s (Personal Learning Goals) (Led by Nikki Wardell) An opportunity to practise skills that are needed to achieve Personal Learning Goals. This short session gives the opportunity to work as a whole class, small group or as an individual to achieve EHCP targets that have been set at the Annual Review. Continue to look at the EHCP targets that were set at the most recent Annual Review. Are there any Personal Learning Goals that can be extended into the home / community environment. Please let us know how you get on.
MFL (Led by Nikki W) We will be having a Modern Foreign Languages Day, focusing on Chinese. It will include learning some simple phrases in Chinese (Mandarin) as well as some linked cultural experiences What do you know about the Chinese Language (Mandarin)? Consider doing your own research on a topic such as numbers, colours or food. Look at The Chinese Dragon Dance. Try some Chinese food
RE (Led by Nikki Wardell) We will be having a focused RE day. Our focus will be about Judaism. We will look at what Jewish people believe about God and know about some of their special objects.Consider doing your own research linked with Judaism. This could include internet search, books from the library, relatives and friends who may have a Jewish heritage.