Subject | Profiles | Ideas for home |
Maths | We will be continuing to develop our number skills, identifying numerals, subitising and estimating numbers. We will be working on more and less in a variety of situations.
We will begin exploring shapes and using these to make pictures to support our understanding.
| Continue to notice numbers and shapes within the environment, try collecting items from around the home which are triangles etc
Try drawing around them or holding them in front of a mirror to see if they have any lines of symmetry.
English | We will be having our own dramatic convention, discovering our inner performer with a variety of activities around animal behaviour and noises. We will practise slithering like a snake. We will dress up and join in with story telling. | Borrow a story sack from school to share a story and get into character using props and puppets.
| We will be exploring light and how it travels. We will consider different materials that light can and can not travel through. We will be making our own shadow puppets. We will explore a variety of different lights and have fun changing the light path with some fun experiments. | Can you count how many light sources are in your bedroom/house?
Using a torch, try making some hand shadow puppets with your family.
Which is the easiest/hardest?
PSHE and
| We will be developing our knowledge and understanding on personal hygiene skills. We will be practising good hygiene routines when visiting The Reef to swim, shower, getting dressed. These routines will be support by theory based activities in the classroom.
We will continue to learn about Zones of Regulation to support our understanding of our emotions which we use daily.
| Please feel free to communicate freely if there are any elements of PSHE that we can support your child with in school and at home which aims to ensure knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. |
| We will be exploring clay this half term, practising coiling at cutting techniques using a variety of tools. We will make our own clay tiles and some clay snails. We will make choices about how to paint our clay and we will glaze our products to give them a nice finish. | Do you have anything made from clay at home?
Have a look, explore, how does it feel, what colour is it?
Computing | We will be making a class sound book using ‘freeze frame’ animal shot pictures from our English lessons. We will be using sound buttons to make our own animal sounds or find them on the internet to combine these and make a class book. | Use a voice recorder app to make and record your own sounds. Listen to them back.
What do you think?
(led by Nikki Wardell)
| We will be looking at a variety of farms. We will start to understand that farms may produce different types of foods. We will be looking at what man made features are found on farms, for example barns & what natural features are found on farms, for example river. | When shopping, look carefully at the packets, which show where where your fruit & vegetables have been grown. Is it nearby or far way?
Complete your own research into farms. This could be via books, online or personal experience.
(led by Nikki W)
| Students will have the opportunity to attend the Signalong Choir. This helps to enhance singing, listening, looking, signing, movement, turntaking participation & enjoyment.
If choir is cancelled we will be looking at the music topic ‘music from other cultures’. We will focus on the reggae song ‘3 Little Birds’.
| Take the opportunity to listen to music from another culture. Some examples could be flamenco guitars from Spain & bagpipes from Scotland. |
(Personal Learning Goals)
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| An opportunity to practise skills that are needed to achieve Personal Learning Goals. This short session gives the opportunity to work as a whole class, small group or as an individual to achieve EHCP targets that have been set at the Annual Review. | Continue to look at the EHCP targets that were set at the most recent Annual Review. Are there any Personal Learning Goals that can be extended into the home / community environment. Please let us know how you get on. |
(Led by Nikki W)
| We will have a day continuing our link with China. It will include some simple facts and information. This will be followed by learning some Chinese words We will listen and try to copy. Our cultural experience will include experiencing some Chinese food . | When at home and in the community, see if you can find anything linked with China. For example, toys made in China, clothing or food |
(Led by Nikki Wardell)
| This will be taken as an RE Day, looking at Christianity. We will look at the traditional Easter Story of Jesus. We will look at some of the traditional symbols linked with Christians at Easter as well as how Easter may be celebrated today. | Do you celebrate Easter? Do you celebrate with some traditional aspects? Perhaps you celebrate Easter in a more modern way. Please let us know if it is linked with our topic? |