Subject | Profiles | Ideas for home |
Maths | In Maths we will be looking at place value within 20. We will be focusing on number lines up to 20. We will be consolidating 1 more and 1 less. | Play number board games together.
Count up to 20 together to complete general tasks around the house ie. Putting shoes on etc.
Count steps when out walking together
English | In English our topic is Our World. We will be writing descriptive paragraphs about factual pictures using Colourful Semantics to help structure sentences. We will be making information fact sheets about our world. We will enjoy reading world-themed fictional books each week and use Talk for Writing to retell the stories. We will create our own world themed short stories by creating our own characters and settings. | Go exploring together.
Cook and taste different foods from different cultures.
Watch Go Jetters and Andy’s Global adventures on Cbeebies.
Personal Development | In Personal Development this term we will be looking at budgeting. We will be conducting questionnaires on pocket money. We will be looking at different types of jobs and talking about our aspirations. We will be setting up a mini school enterprise and planning a summer trip. | You could introduce small pocket money in exchange for small independent jobs around the house such as making the bed, tidying away their plates etc.
Discuss the value of money when out shopping.
Look at different jobs when out in the community.
Library | Our focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure.
We will continue following our school reading scheme reading to an adult 1:1 Rhino Readers books, practising applying our phonics knowledge.
| Go for a trip to a public library, note the different areas and identify the different types of books. Borrow books to take home and enjoy. |
PLGs | We will be doing individual activities every week to assess each student’s personal PLGs. | |
(Preparing for Adult Life)
| We will be working towards independence this term by continuing to cook each week. We will be making home cooked dinners to send home for pupils to try each week. Pupils will be encouraged to follow instructions to make different meals, wash up and tidy away. | Enjoy preparing and making meals / snacks together |
Computing | In Computing this term we will be looking at controlling devices. We will be visiting the sensory room each week investigating lights, buzzers, bubble tubes and remote controls. We will be practising our fine motor skills to use a range of switches. | Enjoy sharing stories and relaxing with sensory lights. |
Titan | TITAN is Travel Independence Training Across Norfolk. We will be continuing working towards understanding Pedestrian skills. We will learn where is safe to walk, when is it safe to cross the road and try to learn some elements of the Green Cross Code. We will be learning about the theory and practically putting our work in to practice by walking in to Sheringham each week practising road safety and by using our bus passes to practise using public transport to go shopping for our snacks. | Walk around where you live.
Discuss safe walking and safe places to cross the road near where you live.