Welcome to Ash

Teacher - Ash Nikki Thornton
Photo of Nikki Thornton

Ash Class is a small bespoke group consisting of 5 pupils with a curriculum tailored to the individual needs of the pupils including;

  • Improving their social skills
  • Support in self-managing their emotional needs
  • Accessing the community to include work experience
  • Improving their independence
  • Improving their tolerance to challenging environments and situations
  • Making progress across the academic curriculum

Ash Timetable – Autumn 2




Curriculum Information for parents. ASDAN Towards Independence Autumn Term 2 24/25
SubjectProfilesIdeas for home
MathsAddition and subtraction. This term we will continue following White Rose Maths to develop our addition and subtraction. We will be using both concrete objects and pictorial representations to practise our skills. We will also be incorporating addition and subtraction in group maths games, working towards our PLG’s of playing and co-operating with others through play.Counting out items when putting things, can they add 1 more or take 1 away? When eating food, i.e. pizza, how many slices have you got? Eat a slice, how many have you got now?
EnglishThis term's topic is The Jungle. We will be studying poetry, fiction and non-fiction following this theme. We will continue practising constructing sentences using colourful semantics and we will use Talk4Writing when reading a story book. Students will try to recall what has happened in a specific section of the story by drawing what they can remember. This will help explore and build their comprehension skills. We will be making fact files researching all aspects of the jungle whilst developing our use of adjectives in our writing. Read jungle themed books, i.e. The Jungle Book, The Gruffalo, Monkey Puzzle, The Lion King. Watch The Jungle Book, The Gruffalo, Monkey Puzzle, The Lion King etc. Discuss the stories, can they tell you about the setting, events and characters?
ArtIn art we will be creating scene boxes around our English theme of The Jungle. We will design our individual boxes and make the background and characters to go inside. Look in books at jungle pictures to get some ideas.
PSHEThis term we will be revisiting sex and relationships. We will be revisiting body parts and private body parts, private places, puberty and relationships. Talk openly about puberty and body changes. Discuss private and public places within the home.
LibraryOur focus in Library time will be on developing Library skills and independence in using the school library and reading books for pleasure. We will continue following our school reading scheme reading to an adult 1:1 rhino readers books, practising applying our phonics knowledge. Go for a trip to a public library, note the different areas and identify the different types of books. Borrow books to take home and enjoy.
PLGsWe will be doing individual activities every week to hit each student’s personal PLGs. Practise turn-taking with games, and go out safely in the community.
PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) We will be practising self help skills to prepare for adult life and leaving school. These will include washing and household chores, personal hygiene and cooking. Help around the house with odd jobs or house work. Assist with preparing meals. Clean teeth and shower more independently.
TitanTITAN is Travel Independence Training Across Norfolk. The first module we will cover is Pedestrian skills. We will learn where it is safe to walk, when it is safe to cross the road and try to learn some elements of the Green Cross Code. Walk around where you live. Discuss safe walking and safe places to cross the road near where you live.
DT In DT we will be planning and running a class Mini enterprise. We will plan Christmas Crafts we want to make and sell. We will hold a class vote then carry out our enterprise. Any money raised will go towards an end of year trip. We will review our enterprise at the end of term. Enjoy crafts together Learn the value of money exchanging household chores for pocket money.