Hello and welcome to The Governing Body page at Sheringham Woodfields School. Below you will find information on our members and downloads of statutory publications.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Sheringham Woodfields School, please contact Matthew Smith, on 01263 820520. We are keen to hear from anyone wishing to contribute and support the school.

No Governor has any business or pecuniary interest in the school (as declared in May 2024).

The Full Governing Body meet a minimum of 6 times per Academic Year. The Full Governing Body sits without any separate Committees in respect of Finance, Personnel and Curriculum. All such matters are reviewed by all Governors at Full Governing Body meetings. Our terms of reference reflects this change.

A separate committee exists for Pay related decision and Complaints.

Please follow this link for information on Code of Conduct: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/code-of-conduct-for-board-members-of-public-bodies/code-of-conduct-for-board-members-of-public-bodies-june-2019

The Governing Team

Head TeacherAnnette Maconochie
Photo of Annette Maconochie
Co-opted GovernorAlison Williams

Date of appointment 07.10.2020. 4 Year term of Office.
Appointed to Safeguarding Lead on 11.12.2023

Photo of Alison Williams
Local Authority GovernorDaphne Lucas-Lee

Date of appointment 07.10.2020. 4 Year term of Office.
Appointed Local Authority Governor on 24.03.2021

Photo of Daphne Lucas-Lee
Vice Chair of GovernorsAnne Davies

Date of appointment 07.10.2020. 4 Year term of Office.
Elected and Appointed to Vice Chair 26.03.2021.

Photo of Anne Davies
Clerk to GovernorsNatasha Patterson

Date of Appointment 06/02/2019
Does not have any voting rights on any aspect of Governance.

Photo of Natasha Patterson
Chair of GovernorsStephen Charles Thurlow

Date of appointment 04.07.2018. 4 Year term of Office.
Elected and Appointed to Chair 16.09.2020.
Appointed Foundation Governor by Trust Norfolk-SEN 16.10.2020.

Photo of Stephen Charles Thurlow
Parent GovernorKatharine Uttridge

First Appointed via Parent Ballot (Spring 2023)

Parent GovernorEmma Aston

First Appointed via Parental Ballot (Spring 2023)

Photo of Emma Aston
Teacher - GovernorJacob Millin

Appointed 19/10/2020

Photo of Jacob Millin