Outstanding OFSTED Curriculum Comments
The school has a broad and balanced curriculum that is ambitious and personalised for each
individual pupil.
The curriculum provides a range of learning experiences across many national curriculum subjects as
well as informal aspects of learning such as communication, making choices, self-care, and
appropriate social behaviour, enabling pupils to be as independent as possible and well prepared for
their next stage of education, employment or training.
The formal curriculum is well sequenced allowing pupils to build on prior knowledge and skills, and
that there is progression for pupils of any ability.
Embedded in their individual curriculum, every pupil has a range of Personal Learning Goals linked to
their EHCP outcomes, breaking these into smaller achievable steps and providing the essential focus
on the things that matter to each pupil.
SMSC and cultural capital have a high priority, including enriching themed days, educational visits
and visiting performers as well as residential visits.