Advice & Guidance
Sheringham Woodfields School is committed to providing comprehensive and high quality information, advice and guidance to all students to enable them to make effective decisions for the future and about the wide range of pathways they can follow in preparation for the next steps in their lives.
Given the wide needs of our pupils this is on an individualised basis and includes actively supporting parents and carers.
Our programme includes:
Self-development (more on self-development can be found here
- Identifying strengths
- Identifying weaknesses
- Identifying what is important to them in planning their future
- Discussing ideas for their future
- Discussing the different roles people have in their lives
- Working well in a team
- Working with different people
Career exploration (more on career exploration can be found here
- Visiting a workplace
- Identify and name roles in the workplace
- Identify the equipment they use
- Identify the skills they need
- Enterprise opportunities through the curriculum
Career management (more on career management can be found here
- Work related learning
- Vocational learning
- Visiting potential post school settings
The programme aims to inspire students, raise aspirations and broaden horizons as well as helping them to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding to move to their next setting successfully.
In final preparation for transition we further support children and families through:
- In school transition event for pupils and families
- Visits to post 19 settings
- Phased/supported transitions to post 19 settings
This important aspect of our work is led by our Careers Coordinator Rebecca Roach (