Titan Travel Training
TITAN Travel training helps young people become confident, independent travellers. TITAN Travel Training is a comprehensive programme that offers training, both in schools and in the community. It empowers the individual to become part of their community; opening a world of new opportunities to take part in further education and employment as well as becoming more socially active.
Travel training will take place over the course of year 11 or over the summer before the young person attends college depending on individual circumstances. Training builds on previous experiences built up with school or parents/carers and the focus is on the individuals and their own particular needs. The training cover 6 core modules which are outlined below and offer a great foundation for independent travel;
Pedestrian Skills – We work with young people to ensure they have all the relevant skills to use both mandated and unmandated crossings and adhere to the green cross code and highway code safely.
Communication Skills – Communicating with safer strangers, parents/carers and school or college when travelling is really important and we practise these skills during training to support safe travel.
Personal Safety, Health & Wellbeing – Making the right choices about routes, being prepared for the weather before leaving and managing confidence and anxiety are supported during training.
Problem solving – Rehearsing and encountering problems during training help prepare young people to manage situations such as late or broken down buses or losing their bus pass whilst travelling.
Journey Planning – Ensuring young people can use bus timetables or plan routes on google maps or travel line helps embed knowledge of their new route and prepare them for other journeys in the future.
Journey Practice – Putting everything into action and completing the new journey to college until the young person is ready to take on travelling by themselves.
The TITAN fact sheets below may have some useful information for you.
TITAN Travel Independence FactSheetPack
Training is extremely rewarding for young people, enabling individuals to overcome barriers by supporting them to believe in their potential and develop their skills to become independent travellers. You can follow the link to access the Norfolk County Council Website regarding Travel Training with Parent/Carer resources and recent success stories.
The Help you choose website also has useful information and links for transport related matters.